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Technodiversity glossary is a result of the ERASMUS+ project No. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032038. 

The glossary is linked with the project results of Technodiversity. It has been developed by

Jörn Erler, TU Dresden, Germany (project leader); Clara Bade, TU Dresden, Germany; Mariusz Bembenek, PULS Poznan, Poland; Stelian Alexandru Borz, UNITV Brasov, Romania; Andreja Duka, UNIZG Zagreb, Croatia; Ola Lindroos, SLU Umeå, Sweden; Mikael Lundbäck, SLU Umeå, Sweden; Natascia Magagnotti, CNR Florence, Italy; Piotr Mederski, PULS Poznan, Poland; Nathalie Mionetto, FCBA Champs sur Marne, France; Marco Simonetti, CNR Rome, Italy; Raffaele Spinelli, CNR Florence, Italy; Karl Stampfer, BOKU Vienna, Austria.

The project-time was from November 2021 until March 2024. 

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Abilities of a worker

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

Every worker has his individual abilities and strengths. The same job that is easy for somebody can be difficult for another person; we say that the first person is more talented for this job than the other one.

 (See more under TDiv PR1-E04)


Additional costs

Additional costs are a part of the cost calculation. They occur when the work is necessary for the production, but is not productive in a sense that there is an output of any products.

Very often it happens that workers are working hard, but do not produce any single product.

As an extreme example, take the work with a cable yarder. Before the yarder can be installed, an engineer must explore the terrain and trace a ground profile with distance and inclination. Based on that profile, he can select the best path for the cable corridor, selecting suitable spar trees, anchors and intermediate supports. Then he’ll go back to the forest and mark the corridor. Now a troop of specialists installs the yarding system. The end-mast and the intermediate supports must be prepared: they are stabilized with guylines, some pulleys are fixed, saddles are mounted…

Finally, the skyline is laid out, lifted and tightened. This takes the work of several persons and the basic machine over hours. Now the productive work begins.

When all logs in the area have been extracted, the yarder system needs to be dismantled. Also here, a troop of persons takes down the skyline, frees the end-mast and the intermediate supports, collects all materials (cables, pulleys, strops etc.) and stores all, ready for transport to the next site.

All these additional costs must be regarded when the costs per m3 are calculated. With yarder systems, they can be so high that the extraction with yarders will be achievable only under conditions of small clear-cuts.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C04)


Advanced mechanized work

The term mechanized work describes the degree of mechanization of a technical operation. Other degrees are manual work and motor-manual work. Mechanized work can further be divided into simple, advanced and automatic work.

When the machine takes over the auxiliary function to handle the object with means of a crane or a grapple, e.g., we call it advanced mechanized work.

A typical example is a tractor or forwarder equipped with a loader.

In this case the driver can control all important functions of the system without “feet on the ground or hand on the tree” (Lövgren, Swedish scientist). Given the hazards of forest work, this can be an important improvement in terms of safety and ergonomics – not just production efficiency.




This is one method to find the best option. Other methods are minimax rule, monetarization, utility analysis, and optimality curves, for example.

In 1990 Saaty proposed a new solution based on paired comparisons. Under each criterion we ask which one of two options is better. At the end we count the relations of the options. The option with the highest sum of “wins” is the best.

Using the same example as with the other methods, we can come to following tables:

With so few options it is easy to find the relations and to calculate the “wins”. In fact, Saaty’s method is more sophisticated than just that, but for us it is enough to use the same weights as before.

We see, that under this method the advantage of option 3 is more visible. All other options are comparably bad. This is a result that can be seen often: the method tends to exaggerate relationships because it does not discriminate between small and large differences.

AHP is widely used in sciences – but only there. For practice life it covers too many hidden effects.

(See more at PR1-F04)


Almost fully mechanized method


Attributes of a worker

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

The attributes of workers are different like gender, age, height, weight, power… In practical life, these attributes are regarded to be invariable.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)


Automatic work

The term mechanized work describes the degree of mechanization of a technical operation. Other degrees are manual work and motor-manual work. Mechanized work can further be divided into simple, advanced and automatic work.

Automatic work can be subdivided into different degrees of automation.:

•i1 information assistance (by sensors)
•i2 control assistance (by electrohydraulic control, e.g.)
•i3 automation of sub-processes
•i4 driverless operations

In forestry, the cut-to-length harvester is an example for a machine with partly automatic work (at level i3). Some prototypes try to operate driverless (i4). 



An axe is a tool used for the cutting of objects. It is composed of a shaft and a steel wedge, which is sharpened on the narrow side.

The axe is one of the oldest tools used for felling trees (buffer 10 to 11). Furthermore, it can be exploited for delimbing (buffer 11 to 12) and wood splitting (buffer 12 to 13).

Because human force is needed to cut with an axe, the work with an axe is assigned to the manual work. Other harvesting tools, the use of which is assigned to manual work, are the machete, the bush knife, and the hand saw.

(See PR1-B03)


Breaks during the work

If the strain of a worker overruns the permanent work load, it may increase the danger of an acute or chronic damage. Therefor breaks for recovery are necessary and should actively be provided by the employer.

The minimal duration of this break should correspond with the strain over the permanent work load to bring enough compensation to the overrunning strain. We call it “shortest break”, because it should not be shorter than the given duration in order to fulfil its requirement. In the figure below, we have three working situations:

-       The green line shows a work, where the strain (here indicated with the heart beat) during the working time does not run over the permanent work load. So, the shortest break is zero, no compensation is required.

-       With the yellow line, the permanent work load is reached but not overrun. Also here, we don’t need any break.

-       At the red line, the heart beat is for a long time over the permanent work load. Here a debit increases that needs to be compensated. This debit can be interpreted by the area A1. In the first seconds of the break the heart beats are higher than the permanent work load; so, though they are decreasing, the heart beats (A2) are counted as overrunning strain, too. The break is long enough, when the area A3 between heart beats and permanent work load is as large as the sum of A1 and A2. Now the compensating effect is enough.

There are three other types of breaks that have other effects:

-       organic breaks allow some organs to be unloaded while the load is taken over by other organs; one example is to move a heavy load from one hand into the other hand

-       short breaks of five minutes are for personal belongings and to recover the mind from concentration

-       longer breaks with 15 to 30 minutes allow to take lunch and to communicate with other colleagues

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)



A term that is often used in system analysis. A buffer interrupts a flow and opens a space for contents that can be stored and loaded again. It is the link between two elements in a chain. 

In Technodiversity, we take this concept to describe interruptions in a harvesting process, which divide the process into two sub-processes. Since the buffer allows to store the logs, the connected sub-processes must not wait one for each other and can develop their full productivities. 

In the functiogram, the buffers are represented by a button while the cub-processes are shown by arrows. In order to concatenate the sub-processes, they must meet at a buffer. So, the buffers have a key role for building and optimizing harvesting processes. 

In lecture PR1-B07 they are named by numbers. 

(See PR1-B07)  



Cable skidder

The cable skidder is a machine used for the extraction of trees. Driving on rubber tires or caterpillars it is specialized to off-road conditions.

The cable skidder extracts full trees and tree length from the trail (buffer 21 & 22) to the forest road (buffer 31 & 32).

Instead of a cable, trees can be dragged by a grapple skidder, clam-bunk skidder, or loaded with a loading crane to a forwarding trailer, forwarder. Another possibility for extraction on un-accessible terrain is the cable yarder or the helicopter.

It contains a single or double winch with reeling functions. With the cable given by the winch the load can be compiled and hold.

The extraction of the load takes places in a dragging movement. Since the cable skidder is a self-propelled machine, the work with the cable skidder is declared as simple mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photo BOKU)

Cable yarder

The cable yarder is a machine used for the extraction of trees. Other machines that can be used for this sub-process are the cable skidder, grapple skidder, clam-bunk skidder, skidder with a loading crane, farm tractor equipped with a forwarding trailer, and forwarder.

The cable yarder extracts full trees and tree lengths from the stand (buffer 11 & 31) to the forest road (buffer 12 & 32).

The extraction takes place in a carrying movement. Therefore, a cable is stretched between the tower of the cable yarder, and a standing tree or a second, mobile tower. On this cable a carriage is riding which lifts the load into the air and carries it along the cable line. To have an undisturbed transportation of the load the cable yarding system is erected on corridors, which are free from trees.

The extraction with a cable yarder is soil friendly because the cable yarder does not move itself during the extraction process and the load is in the air during the transit. So, the corridor underneath the cable line does not experience any load. The negative aspect of the cable yarder is the time-consuming assembly and dismantling, which makes this extraction option expensive.

The cable yarder is primarily used in the mountains and in other rough terrain. Working with the cable yarder is considered as simple mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photo BOKU)

Capability of a worker

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

The capability of a person is a combination of attributes, abilities, and skills. If the capability fits the demands of the standard method, the strain is low. If not, strain will keep accumulating… Thus, the strain can differ from person to person, though the job is the same.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)



A chainsaw is a motorized tool that it used to saw off a complete tree from its roots (buffer 10 to 11). Furthermore, it can be used for delimbing (buffer 11 to 12) and to cross-cut trees into logs (buffer 12 to 13).

The alternative commonly used in forestry for the felling sub-process is the feller and for the felling - pre-skidding - delimbing sub-processes the harvester.

The sawing movement is performed by a saw chain, which runs over a chainsaw bar. Due to the motor of the chainsaw, the user does not need to apply force for the movement of the saw itself. Therefore, working with the chainsaw is by far easier than working with an axe or a hand saw.

Since the chainsaw is mechanically driven but must be held in position by a human being, the work with the chainsaw is classified as motor-manual work.

 (See PR1-B03 and B07)

Chip method

The chip method is one of four different functional groups of harvesting methods. The others are fulltree, tree length and cut-to-length method.

With chip methods, the wood is chipped before it reaches the forest road.

The two most common alternatives are:

An integrated feller-chipper (a) fells the trees and chips them in a single pass. Chips are blown into a container, carried by the feller-chipper or by an auxiliary vehicle. Or the trees are felled, moved to the trail and chipped there (b).

(See more at TDiv PR1-B07)


Clam-bunk skidder

The clam-bunk skidder is a rubber-tired or tracked machine used for the extraction of trees. Other machines that can be used for this sub-process are the cable skidder, grapple skidder, skidder with a loading crane, farm tractor equipped with a forwarding trailer, forwarder, and cable yarder.

The cable skidder extracts full trees and tree length from the trail (buffer 21 & 22) to the forest road (buffer 31 & 32). Therefore, the clam-bunk skidder is equipped with an integrated loader that lifts one end of the tree lengths into an inverted clam. The clam holds the load during the extraction process, resulting into a dragging movement of the load.

Like all skidders, the work with the grapple skidder is declared as advanced mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photo CNR)

Compatibility, ecological

Compatibility, ecological see ecological compatibility

Compatibility, societal

Compatibility, societal see societal compatibility

Composed ecogram

In Technodiversity, the compatibility of a working method is expressed with the help of an ecogram.

But since the working method in nearly all cases is a composition of two or more sub-processes, the ecogram of the method must be composed by the ecograms of the sub-processes, too.

For example, we have a fully mechanized ctl-method with harvester and forwarder. Since the reach of the harvester is limited by the length of its crane, it needs to drive near to each harvest tree. As long as the harvester may drive offroad (=P1), this is no problem. But when we demand that the machine remains on trails that also will be used in future (say permanently), the trails should not be spaced further than twice the length of the crane, normally 20 m (=P2). The assessment is very good on dry soil and less with increasing humidity.

Before the forwarder comes, short logs are stored alongside the trail. So directly, the distance of the trails doesn’t matter for this machine (but indirectly it does: the wider the distance the higher the volume that must be transported on one trail and therefore the higher the impact to the soil there). The compatibility concerning soil moisture is the same as with the harvester.

To combine these two ecograms, we introduce the “bottle-neck-rule”: For each field in the ecogram, the worst assessment of all procedural steps is used as final assessment for the total method. Both, harvester and forwarder are assessed in a similar way for the T-classes, but the harvester goes only for P1 and P2. So, the total method also is only compatible for P1 (driving without binding at permanent lines) and P2 (trails with 20 m distance). We see that this method does not fulfil the demands of the forest owner that are expressed in the technogram.

In another example, a working method is composed by three sub-processes: felling with the chainsaw, processing by machine and extraction by a forwarder fitted with bogie tracks. Each sub-process has its own suitability that can be expressed by a typical ecogram. Thus, first we must look at the ecograms of each sub-process.

The worker with his chainsaw is compatible nearly everywhere. The ecogram shows mostly star symbols, only under very wet conditions the walking can be limited.

The processor (here a harvester that is working on the trail), is mainly limited by the moisture; since the trees are pre-skidded to the trail it can be used under all P-classes (except P5).

Both sub-processes together only make sense at a trail distance of 40 m. Therefore, the processing of this method is only reasonable at P-class 3 (=40 m). The assessment whether the process is very good, good or limited compatible, depends on the worst case; here the processor (again following the bottle-neck principle).

The forwarder drives on the trails, too. Since the logs are pre-skid, it can be used under all P-classes P1-P4 (except P5).

The common ecogram of the total method again is a combination of the ecograms of processing and extraction under observing the bottle-neck principle. When – like in this example – the technogram of the stand demands for the fields P3-T2, -T3, and -T4, this method is well compatible under normal and dry conditions.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D05)




Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health.

If the strain overruns the permanent work load, it may have two consequences: On one hand the body is pushed to improve its capacities. We use this effect for active training and conditioning. But on the other hand, acute or chronic damage can occur. Therefor breaks for recovery are necessary and should actively be provided by the employer.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)



Controlling is one of the auxiliary functions of harvesting. It does not directly change the state of the working object or its position, but steers these operations and deals with the data (logistics). In Technodiversity, controlling is not mentioned intensively; but nevertheless here a great potential for innovations and efficiency is covered.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B01)


Cost calculation

Before a decision maker decides to buy a machine, e. g., he should estimate the probable costs and earnings and calculate the net income.

The earnings normally depend on the market and cannot be influenced. So, the cost side is that one, where the decision maker can ‘earn or burn money’.

In some cases, the cost of any future operation can be assessed very easily, because the decision maker has his own experience.But very often, he must estimate the costs based on very foggy data. They are unclear, because the costs will occur in future, for example in the next 6 years.

We sub-divide cost calculations due to the time when we make them: pre-calculation, interim-calculation and post-calculation.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C01 and PR1-C02)




Costs per hour


Economic effectiveness asks whether the result of an action fulfils the objective, in this case the economic goal. Sometimes, when it is not possible to measure the grade of fulfilment, it must be estimated. But sometime the fulfilment can be measured - like with coverage.

Imagine that you have a forest stand, which is opened-up with trails that have a distance of 40 meters. One option that you have selected is the standard combination of harvester and forwarder. The problem is that the crane outreach is only 10 m and only 50 % of the stand can be harvested. So, the effectiveness of this solution is 50 %.

You might add a worker with chainsaw, who fells those trees, which are outside the crane reach, towards the trail. Now, all trees can be reached and harvested. The effectiveness climbs up to 100 %.It often happens, that some technical options cover less than 100 %. Therefore, coverage is one attribute to measure the effectiveness.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C01)


Cut-to-length method

The cut-to-length (ctl) method is one of four different functional groups of harvesting methods. The others are fulltree, tree length and chip method.

The character of ctl-methods is that the trees are brought to the forest road in form of short logs.

There are several ways to do it: (a) Trees are converted into logs directly in the stand (i.e., felling-delimbing-crosscutting in a smooth single pass). Or (b) trees can be delimbed inside the stand right after felling, but they are crosscut into logs after the stem lengths have been pre-skidded to the trail. Or (c) one may pre-skid full trees to the trail and perform there the delimbing and cross-cutting – so they are extracted as logs. After extraction (d), the logs can be transported directly to the factory as such or turned into chips before transport.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B07)



Deformation of soil

See plastic and elasticdeformation of soil

Degree of mechanization

The term "degree of mechanization" is commonly used, but the content of this term varies extremely. After a long discussion, the authors of "Technodiversity" have agreed to the following, complex definition:

In case of one single subprocess 

It can have three degrees:

  • Manual work: Everything is done by human or animal, as a maximum a hand tool is used.    
  • Motor-manual work: The energy is coming from a machine that is handled by  a human. Thus, the weight is limited. Typical examples are the work with a chainsaw or with a brush-cutter. 
  • Mechanized work: When the machine is self-propelled, the limitation of the weight is much lower. As a consequence the machine can have more power and can be optimized for the task. Mechanized work can be subdivided into several steps:
    • Simple mechanized work offers increased power and mobility, but all auxiliary functions are done by humans. Example: a cable skidder can move larger loads than a human can, and does that at a higher speed. But the attachment of the logs must be done manually by the operator.

    • When the machine also takes over the auxiliary function to handle the object by means of a crane or a grapple, e.g., but all actions must be steered by the operator, we call it advanced mechanized workA typical example is a tractor or forwarder equipped with a loader.

    • Actually, mechanized work is developing more and more towards automatic work. We like to subdivide 4 steps of automation:

      • information assistance (by sensors)
      • control assistance (by electro-hydraulic control, e.g.)
      • automation of sub-processes
      • driverless operations

      In forestry, the cut-to-length harvester is an example of a machine that reaches the level automation of sub-processes. Some prototypes try to operate driverless.

In case of two sub-processes:

Normally, a total harvesting process is a combination of two or more sub-processes. Since each sub-process has its degree of mechanization,  we want to characterize the total process by a degree of mechanization, too. 

This is easy, if the degrees are equal. Then we have a fully manual, a fully motor-manual, or a fully mechanized method

If the degrees differ, we take the name of the highest degree and add the adjective "partly". 

In case of more than two sub-processes
As long as only two sub-processes are combined, the degree can easily be found. But in some cases, there are more than two sub-processes combined. In this cases, we first look for the degree of mechanization of two sub-processes and then add the degree of mechanization of the third sub-process. The terms of the degree of mechanization are the same as with two sub-processes.

"Almost fully mechanized":

In some cases, we need a more differentiated description. Let's explain it with an example: When the distance between trails is wider than 20 m, the harvester that is instructed to stay on the trail cannot fell all trees, because its crane is not long enough. In that case a worker with his chainsaw fells those trees beyond harvester reach towards the trail. Later, the harvester picks the full trees up and processes them.

Here, the most important machines are harvester and forwarder, forming a fully mechanized method. But due to the felling with chainsaw as an additional sub-process, the degree of the total process would turn to partly mechanized. We have the feeling that does not well represent the reality. Consequently, if the sub-process with the lower degree of mechanization is only necessary for a smaller subset of working objects, we can express it with “almost fully mechanized”.


Depreciation is a part of the cost calculation with the engineering formula. It considers the loss of value of a working system during its life span.

Imagine you plan to buy a machine. It is very expensive, so the decision should be made carefully.  If you intend to get a loan from the bank, you need a plan to pay the money back within a certain time. That means: Hour by hour you must put aside a certain sum, which you will transfer to your bank at the end of the month.We call this depreciation.

The lifetime of a tool or machine is limited. There are several reasons for decay:

•       Technical decay (obsolescence) depends on technical progress: when new and better machines appear, your old machine may be no longer competitive.

•       Technical aging (wear) happens when parts of the machine become thin, stiff, inflexible, and break, i.e.

•       In some situations, we have only limited use of a machine, afterwards we will not need it any longer.

•       Or the machine suffers from a “fashion change”, when your technology will become unfashionable, and nobody will be interested in this technology any longer.

Depreciation is the response to the progressive loss of value of your machine. During this time, we must pay back the initial investment.

If we did not borrow the money from the bank, we have taken it from the “investment pool” of our company. We have only changed money into a machine with the same value. When the value of the machine decreases, we must pay back into this pool in order to stay as “rich” as before.

A third argument for depreciation deals with taxes:

Since the taxes are based on the win, we should not forget the hidden costs by the daily devaluation of our equipment.

How do we calculate depreciation?

•       First, we decide how many years the machine will be used.

•       Then we ask, whether it will be possible to sell the old machine at the end of the utilization time. But be careful there! Normally there is some residual value, but we may want to assume that it is 0 and use it as a silent reserve to compensate the higher price for a new machine – due to inflation and technical development.

•       The annual depreciation now is calculated as the initial investment minus the assumed residual value divided by the number of years.

This is called linear depreciation. In fact, real devaluation is not linear (here implied with red or green) but in practical term a linear solution is good enough and it is easier to calculate.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C02)



Disposition of a worker

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

We know that there are days when the same job feels hard, and days when it feels much easier. So, for the same individual the strain can differ. This partly depends on the health, conditioning, tiredness, hunger and time of the day. We call these organic reasons disposition.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)



E-class for ergonomics and safety

For Technodiversity, we introduce an E-class to specify the complex influence of the standard working method on the strain of work.

The question is, are there any categories that correspond with the special capabilities of the persons? Concerning physical stress, we can deduce them from the degree of mechanization.

These categories correspond with the risk of an accident, too. In general, work safety improves as we progress through the various degrees of mechanization.



Eco-efficiency is a partial objective for decision-making. It asks for the minimal ecological input to reach a certain effect or – with other words – for the maximal effect under a given ecological input. In the technical context the ecological input is the energy consumption and grey energy (for construction, maintenance and final recycling purposes of the machines and sites); for forest technology, the impact to the forest soil by compaction and erosion must be regarded, too.  

Together with its twin ecological compatibility we can assess the ecological suitability that is one sub-objective to find the optimal option. Parallel to the ecological suitability we also should look at the economic and the social suitability. For more information about systematics of decision-making, look at objectives and three-step model of optimization.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03 and PR1-D02 – D04)

Ecogram of harvesting method

With the ecogram, Technodiversity indicates under which forest conditions a harvesting method can be used. It has the same basic structure like the technogram of the stand. When both graphs, technogram and ecogram, match well, then the method is suitable under these conditions.

Every method has its limitations. Concerning the structure of the ecogram, the following rules will help to find them:

The upper limit is defined by technical restrictions. A harvester, e.g., has its limits because of the length of its crane. Other methods are limited by the maximum length of the pre-skidding devices. And all methods, where machines must drive on the soil, cannot work at P5.

To the right side (towards wet soils), the damage on the ground limits any acceptance. Heavy machines are perfect for dry soils, good on fresh soils, and come to their limits with moist soils. If there are aids like bogie tracks or traction chains on the wheels, compatibility moves one column to the right.

The left and lower limits are given by competing methods, that are better for those conditions. No one who can take these alternatives would decide to take the option in dispute, because it is too expensive, too cumbersome or just not necessary for those conditions.

In the figure, the functiogram of an almost fully mechanized method with bogie-tracks for 40 m distance of the trails is shown together with its corresponding ecogram. By the chainsaw, this method is specialized for P3 (= 40 m trail distance), not less and not more. For a fresh soil (T2), the suitability is assessed as very good (star symbol), for moist soils it is good (plus symbol), and for wet conditions it is only limited (minus symbol). Also for dry conditions we decided to give a minus symbol, because there a method without bogie-tracks is better.

Matching the technogram of the stand and the ecogram of harvesting methods, those methods can be found that are best under the given conditions.

The problem is, that the ecogram of a working method must be composed by the ecograms of the sub-processes. Here, some rules must be regarded.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D04 and D05)

Ecological compatibility

Ecological compatibility is a partial objective for decision-making. It looks for the disturbances in nature and environment, which will not be regenerated in reasonable times, and wants to minimize them.

Since not all effects will occur at every action, but the likelihood is high that any damage will happen, we have to think about risks and side-effects

Together with its twin eco-efficiency we can assess the ecological suitability that is one sub-objective to find the optimal option. Parallel to the ecological suitability we also should look at the economic and the social suitability. For more information about systematics of decision-making, look at objectives and three-step model of optimization.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03 and PR1-D01)

Ecological efficiency

Ecological efficiency see eco-efficiency

Ecological forest romantics

In a study from 2009, Kleinhückelkotten et al. have found five different groups of people who use the forests for recreation. One of them are the ecological forest romantics, the others are holistic forest friends, pragmatical distant persons, self-centered forest users, and indifferent persons.

The ecological forest romantics represented 16% of the sample. They regard forests as highly organized natural organisms that require our full care. They believe that conventional forest operations are a threat and should be modified for additional sustainability.

This group of visitors has very little interest and acceptance for modern forest technology and is often vocal about it. 

(See more under TDiv PR1-E02)


Ecological suitability

Ecological suitability is one sub-objective of the decision-making process. It corresponds with the ecological objective of the company in a means-end-relationship: The means should be developed in a way that it fulfills the end that is given by the objective of the company.

The ecological suitability is subdivided into eco-efficiency and ecological compatibility. On the same level are two competing sub-objectives: the economic and the social suitability. The relationships between them can be organized by the general concept for technical operations that is given by the company.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03 and -D01)

Economic effectiveness

Economic effectiveness is a partial objective for decision-making. It assesses the effect of any action against the background of what is intended to reach. So, other words for effectiveness can be functionality or coverage.

Together with its twin economic efficiency we can assess the economic suitability that is one sub-objective to find the optimal option. Parallel to the economic suitability we also should look at the ecological and the social suitability. For more information about systematics of decision-making, look at objectives and three-step model of optimization.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03 and PR1-C01)

Economic efficiency

Economic efficiency is a partial objective for decision-making. It asks for the minimal input to reach a certain effect or – with other words – for the maximal effect under a given input.

Together with its twin economic effectiveness we can assess the economic suitability that is one sub-objective to find the optimal option. Parallel to the economic suitability we also should look at the ecological and the social suitability. For more information about systematics of decision-making, look at objectives and three-step model of optimization.

For any real process, after finishing and collecting all costs the efficiency of the process can be measured. But in advanced, we must calculate the costs with a lot of uncertainties. To do this, the engineer formula is a method to calculate the costs as likely as possible.   

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03 and PR1-C01)


Economic suitability

Economic suitability is one sub-objective of the decision-making process. It corresponds with the economic objective of the company in a means-end-relationship: The means should be developed in a way that it fulfils the end that is given by the objective of the company.

The economic suitability is subdivided into economic efficiency and economic effectiveness. On the same level are two competing sub-objectives: the ecological and the social suitability. The relationships between them can be organized by the general concept for technical operations that is given by the company.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03)



Effectiveness is one of thepartial objectives when we look for the suitability of any option to find the optimal option. It explains in which extent the effect of any option fulfils the demands that are given by the corresponding sub-objective. For example, when we want to fell and extract trees from any harvesting site, the effectiveness is 100 % if we can extract all trees. If not, it will be worst.

Effectiveness in the decision-making model for forest harvesting operations appears under three different contexts:

·       The economic effectiveness asks whether the operation fulfils the economic demands. Like in the example above, the effectiveness describes whether everything that we want to reach will be reached. So, economic effectiveness means functionality, technical coverage

·       The ecological effectiveness deals with the ecological risks and side-effects of the operations. The drift is towards the optimal solution without any risks or side-effects. We call it ecological compatibility.

·       Also the social effectiveness deals with risks and site-effects, but in this case they are measured against the societal needs. Here we see the disturbance of people who want to recreate in the forest, who look for cultural demands and so on. We call it societal compatibility.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03)


Effectiveness, economic

Effectiveness, economic see economic effectiveness


Efficiency is one of thepartial objectives when we look for the suitability of any option to find the optimal option. If more than one option leads to a comparable effect, the decision maker looks for that one that promises the lowest input. Or when he wants to invest a certain input, he hopes to receive an output that is as high as possible. These are two opposite poles of efficiency; between them all combinations are possible.

In the decision-making model for forest harvesting operations, efficiency occurs under tree contexts:

·       Economic efficiency (or simply efficiency) demands to spare money. The cheapest option is the best under point of view of efficiency. It can be calculated by machine cost calculation.

·       With the ecological efficiency, the ecological input is the crucial “currency”. For example, energy consumption and grey energy can be seen as important criteria. In case of forest operations, the forest soil, which is compacted by the machines, can be seen as the most important input variable. We call it eco-efficiency.

·       The word social efficiency sound hard and somehow anti-social. But it means that the social resource, the workers, are treated with care so that they don't suffer from the operations. Therefore, we prefer the word ergonomics, which means the health care and safety from accidents during the work. 

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03)


Efficiency, ecological

Efficiency, ecological see eco-efficiency

Efficiency, economic

Efficiency, social

Elastic deformation of soil

See natural regeneration of soil


Depending on local economy, underemployment can be an issue of societal compatibility. In that case, forestry may offer an opportunity to unskilled workers and therefore it represents an asset for the local society. For that reason, decision makers may favor labour-intensive logging systems that do not require specialized workers as mechanized systems do.

A good attribute to measure this is the degree of mechanization:

As a tendency, fully manual methods achieve very low productivities but offer employment to workers with low qualifications.

Partly motor-manual methods demand for better skills but achieve a relatively low productivity, too.

Fully motor-manual and partly mechanized methods need well educated and skilled workers, so that not every job-seeker is viable.

Fully mechanized work has the lowest employment potential, since it relies on very few but highly educated operators.

(See more at TDiv PR1-E02)


Engineering formula

The engineering formula covers all different sorts of costs that a working system has during its life span. It calculates the costs per hour. Since in real life during this hour some short interruptions can happen, the calculation is made for PMH15, which means one hour including short breaks until 15 minutes.

The cost components are depreciation, interest costs, repair and maintenance costs, variable costs and labor costs.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C02)




Ergonomics is a partial objective for decision-making. It tries to lower the stress and strain that derives from the working site and to minimize the danger to be hurt by accidents or any occupational disease (it does not cover the option to spare a working site at all, when the reason is to spare the labor costs).

Together with its twin societal compatibility we can assess the social suitability that is one sub-objective to find the optimal option. Parallel to the social suitability we also should look at the economic and the ecological suitability. For more information about systematics of decision-making, look at objectives and three-step model of optimization.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03 and PR1-E04)


Extraction is one of the main functions of harvesting and means the change of the position of the working object. In forest operations we differentiate three steps

-       from the felling site to the next facility that is provided for transport purposes like a strip road, trail or corridor; we call this first step pre-skidding or in case of a yarder lateral yarding; if the machines are allowed to drive on the forest floor without limitation to any trails, this step of pre-skidding is obsolete

-       alongside the trail to the landing where the logs can be handed over to the long-distance transport; we have different words for this step like skidding, forwarding and yarding

-       from the landing or storage in the forest to the customer; this long-distance transport uses public roads, waterways, railways etc.; in Technodiversty it is not elaborated as well, because the project concentrates to the processes inside the forest.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B01)




The feller is a self-propelled machine which is designed to fell trees (buffer 10 to 21). Alternatives, which are commonly used in forestry for the sub-process of felling, are the chainsaw as a tool, and the harvester as a machine.

The feller itself can only take over the function of felling and pre-skidding over the distance of the crane length, further steps must be performed by other forest machines e.g., the processor.

A shear or saw device, which is attached to the end of the feller´s hydraulic arm, cuts the tree off from its roots and bunches the full trees.

Since all the steps of felling are executed by the feller and the human only needs to control the movements, the work with the feller is classified as advanced mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photos CNR)


Felling damage

A felling damage happens by the felling and processing of a tree to the tree itself and to neighboring trees and values.

With motor-manual felling (a), the tree falls down forming a quadrant.

The axis of this movement originates at the aptly, called “hinge”. As it falls, the tree develops a high dynamic force.Any obstacle in its way is in serious danger. If another tree is hit, it will be broken or wounded. If that occurs, a damage has been inflicted on the environment - not to the human being itself. Very often, this devaluation is not important: yet, if the injured tree is particularly valuable, then an important financial damage has also occurred.

With machine felling (b) – using a feller or a harvester – , the tree is cut from its root, lifted a little bit and pulled towards the machine position. As a result, the wide tree crown falls mostly in the void left by the cut tree – where now there is little that could be damaged.

Experience shows that by this procedure, the risk of inflicting felling damage to the remaining stand has turned nearly to zero.

If the machine is strong enough to lift the tree upright (c), it can move it out of the stand and lay it down where there is no risk of damaging anything. This procedure is applied when the driver wants to spare clumps of regeneration developing under the cut tree.

This proves that machines are able to reduce site damage, opposite to the common feeling of public, provided that the driver is sufficiently competent and careful.

(See more at PR1-D01)


Flexible decision making


The forwarder is a rubber-tired or tracked machine used for the extraction of trees. Other machines that can be used for this sub-process are the cable skidder, grapple skidder, clam-bunk skidder, farm tractor equipped with a forwarding trailer, and cable yarder.

The forwarder is mainly utilized for the extraction of short logs with a maximum length of 6 m (so called crane length).

An integrated grapple loader lifts the logs onto the forwarder, where the logs are held by stanchions. Since the load does not touch the ground during the transportation process from the trail (buffer 32) to the forest road (buffer 33), this type of extractions is assigned to the carrying extraction.

The forwarder is commonly used in combination with a harvester. The combination of both machines is called “fully mechanized cut to length method” or short “cut to length method”.

A farm tractor equipped with a forwarding trailer is also used in some cases as a substitute for the forwarder.

The work with the forwarder is described as advanced mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

Photo BOKU

Full tree method

The full tree method is one of four different functional groups of harvesting methods. The others are tree length, cut-to-length and chip method.

With the full tree method, trees are cut down and then taken as full trees to the forest road.

There (a) they can be loaded on special trailers and transported as full trees to the factory. Otherwise (b), once at the forest road, trees are delimbed and topped and transported to the factory as tree lengths. Or (c) they could also be crosscut at pre-defined lengths and transported to the factory as logs. Or finally (d), the logger opts for chipping the whole trees rather than delimbing and crosscutting them.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B07)


Fully manual method

Fully mechanized method

Fully motor-manual method


The functiogram is one possibility to describe a harvesting method in forestry. In Technodiversity, it is used as standard visualization for processes and methods.

From LÖFFLER et al. we have adopted the columns, where the location of the action is visualized:

•       Stand

•       Strip road, trail, corridor

•       Forest road

•       Factory

From top to down we added the steps leading to state change:

  • Complete tree
  • Full tree
  • Tree length
  • Log
  • Chips

In combination of both, we get a ‘road map’ of different paths, through which we can step forward from the top left corner (the complete tree) to the comfortable right end (i.e., the desired product).

Technical operations are expressed by colored arrows. Each sub-process ends up with a buffer that is expressed by a dark button. Normally a process is a combination of two or more sub-processes that are concatenated. Each sub-process can be named by a pictogram of the most important actor like a machine, an animal or a hand-tool. If necessary, additional information can be made by pictures or words.

As one example, the fully mechanized method with harvester and forwarder is shown here.  

The harvester performs the following tasks: fells the tree, moves the full tree to the trail (pre-skidding), delimbs the tree and cross-cuts it into shorter logs. Finally, the logs are stored alongside the trail as a small pile – i.e., a buffer (dark button). Later on, the forwarder loads the logs, carries them along the trail to the landing at the forest road and unloads the logs. Here again a buffer is formed (second dark button). The truck loads the logs and delivers them to the user plant.

On the basis of a functiogram, the harvesting method can be subsumed under one of the following functional groups: full-tree method, tree-length method, cut-to-length method or chip method. The combination of the degrees of mechanization of each sub-process gives the degree of mechanization of the total method. In our example, we have a fully mechanized cut-to-length method.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B06)



Functional groups

Due to the confusing number of different harvesting methods, there is a need to define functional groups of them where some crucial attributes are the same. One possibility that is often used in practice is to subdivide the methods by the form in which the tree arrives at the forest road:

-       as a full tree = full tree method

-       as a tree length = tree length method

-       as a short log = short wood or cut-to-length method

-       or as chips = chip method.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B07)



Functionality describes whether any systems functions in a way that it fulfils the demands. In our technical context, it may be seen as synonym for economic effectiveness.


Functionalize see functionalizing


Functionalizing is the first step of the three-step-model of decision-making in forest technology. The second step is localizing and the third one is individualizing.

The first step aims at finding and designing all harvesting processes that can work under local conditions and technical constraints of the stand. Here, machines that are available and operators, who are available, are combined to working methods that can be assumed to do the demanded job. In order to expand the search space as large as possible, several options should be selected that differ greatly from one another (different machines, different degrees of mechanization etc.). And one option should never be forgotten: the option to do nothing, the so-called zero-option.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A04 and TDiv PR1-B01 to B07)

Functions of harvesting

Functions can be divided into two groups: Main functions and auxiliary functions.

Main functions influence directly the working object. Again, we have two sub-groups: those that change the state of the object and those that change its position.

Auxiliary functions help to manage the process, but don’t have a direct input to the working object. On to highest level, we have two auxiliary functions: the handling that is a more physical sub-process and the steering that operates the process and deals with data.

In tree harvesting operations, the main functions are the harvesting and the extraction. Though the auxiliary functions are important, too, in Technodiversity they will not be treated further.



General concept

General concept is a guideline for a company that gives a certain drive to the operations in a field. For example, a forest company may have different general concepts for silviculture, for hunting, for nature conservation activities, e.g. For technical operations, it should also formulate a general concept.

Like the ultimate goal for the total company, the general concept has two dimensions:

·      For internal decision-making situations it clarifies priorities or preferences between the sub-objectives or partial objectives. Thus, it improves the transparency and operationality of the decision-making process in this field.

·      For external use it should explain with simple words the focus how this company sees its operations. It can be regarded like a motto that explains the typical behavior of the company.

(See more at PR1-A03)


Grapple skidder

The grapple skidder is a rubber-tired or tracked machine used for the extraction of trees. Other machines that can be used for this sub-process are the cable skidder, clam-bunk skidder, farm tractor equipped with a forwarding trailer, forwarder, and cable yarder.

The grapple skidder is mainly used to extract full trees from the trail (buffer 21) to the forest road (buffer 31).

In contrast to the clam-bunk skidder, the grapple skidder assembles and holds its load with a hydraulic grapple, that opens downwards. 

Like all skidders, the work with the grapple skidder is declared as advanced mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photo CNR)


Hand saw

The hand saw is used as a tool for dividing an object by sawing it. Characteristic for the hand saw used in forestry are the bar handles at each side of the saw blade. As an alternative to the axe the hand saw is operated by two people, each standing at a handle. By alternately pulling the hand saw a kerf is formed in the complete tree which leads to the felling of the tree at a certain point (buffer 10 to 11).

Since only human force is needed to saw with the hand saw, it is assigned to the manual work.

Other harvesting tools, the use of which is assigned to manual work, are the axe, the machete, and the bush knife.

(See PR1-B03)


Handling is one of the auxiliary functions of harvesting. It does not directly change the state of the working object or its position, but brings the tools, machines and objectives together. A very effective tool for handling is a crane with a hydraulic grip that allows the operator to stay apart from the object and therefore out of the risk zone. Though handling is a very effective and efficient area for improving the working site, it is not mentioned intensively in Technodiversity.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B01)



The harvester is a self-propelled machine that takes over all partial steps of the timber harvest, which are felling, delimbing, measuring, cross-cutting and bunching (buffer 10 to 21, 22 or 23). There is no other machine that combines all these sub-processes. Along the crane it takes over a short pre-skidding as well (buffer 21 to 22).

The harvester is a widely used instrument in wood harvesting.

(Photo BOKU)

Depending on whether the harvester is having the same felling and processing unit (all functions can be performed with one grab of the tree), or the processing unit is separate from the felling unit (functions need to be performed with more than one grab of the tree), the harvester is called one- or two-grip-harvester. Since today most machines on the market are one-grip-harvesters, this differentiation gets less important. 

Currently, other prototypes are being tested in addition to the classic harvester construction. They differ from the classic model in the way they move, which should enable these models to be used in very steep terrain or to minimize the soil compaction of the harvester (See lecture B06: Harvester Highlander (Konrad, Austria), Prototype walking machine (Plustech Oy, Finland) or Prototype Portalharvester (TU Dresden, Germany)).

(Photos PLUSTECH and TUD)

Since every step of timber harvest is executed by the harvester and the operator only needs to control the movements, the work with the harvester is classified as mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)


Harvesting is one of the main functions of harvesting. The term has two meanings: As a general term it includes felling of trees, processing to a transportable product and the extraction from the forest to the customer. As a more precise term it only points to the change of state of the product, while the extraction is not included.

In this narrow sense the harvesting includes the sub-functions felling, delimbing, topping, cross-cutting or bucking and chipping. All other sub-functions except the felling is called processing as well.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B01)


Harvesting chain

Different sub-processes can be assembled into a full chain, when the end of the foregoing sub-process matches the needs of the following sub-process. In the functiogram, such a so-called ‘buffer’ is symbolized by a dark button.

In real life, when we plan any job, we know where it begins and where it should end. Between these two poles we have a lot of options to reach this aim. But as soon as we define one specific sub-process, the list of viable sub-processes becomes much shorter.

For example, we want to fell trees and process them into short logs, which are stored at the forest road. This means that we start with buffer 10 and end up at buffer 33. Here we have more than 5 options to reach this goal. But when we decide to use a forwarder for the extraction tasks, the degree of freedom decreases, because the forwarder is specialized for extraction from 23 to 33 (it is good for short logs). To finalize the method, we only need to fill the gap between buffers 10 and 23. Then, out of our initial more than 5 options, only 3 are left.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B07)


Harvesting method

In Technodiversity, we prefer to visualize harvesting methods by a functiogram. For naming we have found following convention:

The noun describes the functional group of harvesting like full tree method, tree length method, cut-to-length (ctl) method or chip method.

An adjective declares the degree of mechanization like (fully) manual method, partly motor-manual method, (fully) motor-manual method, partly mechanized method, and fully mechanized method.

As an example, the functiogram shows the fully mechanized ctl-method.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B06 and B07)


Holistic forest friends

In a study from 2009, Kleinhückelkotten et al. have found five different groups of people who use the forests for recreation. One of them are the holistic forest friends, the others are ecological forest romantics, pragmatical distant persons, self-centered forest users, and indifferent persons.

About 22% of the sample was classified as holistic forest friends. These people like natural forest structures and believe that modern forestry will assure sustainable yield of products and sustainable forest functions. This group is relatively comfortable with forest technology.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E02)




The horse or mule is a tool being used for the pre-skidding of full trees (buffer 11 to 21) and tree length (buffer 12 to 22) and for the pre-skidding and skidding of logs (buffer 13 to 23 or 33).

Horses work on more or less flat terrain and drag the load, while mules are used in steep terrain and prefer to carry the logs. The work with the horse or mule is classified as manual work.

A classic combination in which the horse/ mule is being used is the “Tree length method using chainsaw, horse, and tractor” also known as “Partly mechanized tree length method.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photos CNR)


Indifferent persons

In a study from 2009, Kleinhückelkotten et al. have found five different groups of people who use the forests for recreation. One of them are the indifferent persons, the others are holistic forest friends, ecological forest romantics, pragmatical distant persons, and self-centered forest users.

With 18% of the total, the indifferent persons form a relatively large group. They feel no emotional connection with forests at all. If they talk about forestry, they assume that forestry is too primitive for them. Often, they don’t accept that forestry earns money with forest products. Fortunately, members of this group will seldom visit a forest.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E02)




Individualizing is the third step of the three-step-model of decision-making in forest technology. The first step is functionalizing and the second one is localizing.

With the third step, one extracts from the remaining processes that option that offers the best fit with the individual aims of the decision-maker. It will be one of the technical processes, but it can also be that the zero-option is the best.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A04 and PR1-F01 to F05)

Interest costs

Interest costs are a part of the cost calculation with the engineering formula. They consider the costs that have to be paid back to the bank for borrowing the money. Normally, the interest is indicated as a percentage of the borrowed sum per year.

In reality, it is calculated monthly on the base of the actual residual debt. So, it becomes less from month to month. In the last month it is nearly zero. Taken as the grand average, interest is calculated over half of the borrowed sum.

Thus, we can approximately calculate the interest costs with

•       the price of the initial investment

•       divided by 2 (to reach the average)

•       times the interest rate in percent.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C02)


Interim calculation

The interim calculation is a part of the cost calculations that a manager must do during the work life of a machine or working system.

The task of the interim calculation is to check whether the preliminary estimations of the system costs were realistic and can be approved by the real work of the system. If there are deviations, it is necessary to calculate newly and to correct the data for the further use of the system. In extreme situations it can be optimal to finish the utilization of the system earlier than planned and to sell it if possible, in order to limit the economic damage.

This seems to be simple, but it is not:

In contrast to the pre-calculation, where the costs are calculated as average over the total planned life span, now the real cost curves are observed. The experiences with the curves of repair and maintenance costs of written-off machines show that they vary extremely due to the age of the machine. So, in order to find a realistic view from the machine, the real costs must be compared with the an estimation how the cost curves normally will behave.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C01 and PR1-C05)



Labor costs

Labor costs are a part of the cost calculation with the engineering formula. They consider the wage costs of the operator plus all additional costs.

Here we should be careful:

If the operator only works with that machine, we can take the total costs of this worker (including assurance etc.) over the year and divide them by the same time of productive utilization “m” as we have for the machine.

However, a driver or worker often operates two or more machines, in which case it is easiest to calculate his/her costs per hour and then conduct all the machine cost calculation on an hourly basis.

As we stated before, labor costs have two main components:

•       w = gross wage

•       s = social costs thatmust be covered by the employer like insurance, wage costs during unproductive times due to holidays, traveling expenses etc. (but not his taxes). They are normally indicated as percentage of the gross wage.

The percentage of social costs is highly variable from country to country. In Germany, e. g., it depends mainly on the company:

•       in private forest companies it is about 80-110 %

•       in public forest administrations it often reaches 130 %. 

(See more at TDiv PR1-C02)



Laws for forest operations

See rules and laws for forest operations


Levels of decision-making

Levels of decision-making are normative, strategical, tactical, and operational. This follows a traditional differentiation in military (definitions by Carl v. Clausewitz 1780-1831), but today it has been taken over by management schools for civil purposes as well.   

On each level different types of decisions must be made. The levels are corresponding with each other and are organized in a hierarchical order. Persons on the next lower level need to be informed about the decisions that are made on the next higher level in order to do their jobs in a convenient way.

(See more under TDvi PR1-A05)






Localizing is the second step of the three-step-model of decision-making in forest technology. The first step is functionalizing and the third one is individualizing.

The second step checks for any local constraints to their deployment and leads to the exclusion of non-compatible options. The criteria are the economic suitability for the company (effectiveness and efficiency), the ecological suitability for the local environment (ecological compatibility and eco-efficiency), and the social suitability for the local population (societal compatibility and ergonomics).

(See more under TDiv PR1-A04 and C… for economy, D… for ecology and E… for social aspect)


Manner of working

For any operational method, the tools and machines as well as the working steps are fixed. But sometimes the worker does not exactly what he is asked to do. Maybe he invents his own sequence of steps or he works in a way that conflicts with any safety rules – then we call it the manner of working.

Since the worker is the one who has the most experience with the working situations, it can happen that his manner of working leads to an improvement of the standard operational method. But if he breaks any legal limits or safety rules, then this manner cannot be accepted.  

(See more under TDiv PR1-E03)


Manual method

In Technodiversity, the total harvesting process normally is seen as a combination of several sub-processes. Each sub-process has a certain degree of mechanization. The degree of mechanization of the total method is given by the combination of these single degrees. There are five degrees of mechanization: (fully) manual method, partly motor-manual method, (fully) motor-manual method, partly mechanized method, fully mechanized method.

If there is no power equipment in any sub-process, say both sub-processes are done by manual work, the method is a fully manual method.

Fully manual methods are not unusual in developing economies or in part-time work.

The word fully underlines the character of the process, but it can be missing.

(See more under TDiv PR1-B04 an d B05)

Manual Work

The term manual work describes the degree of mechanization of a technical operation. Other degrees are motor-manual work and mechanized work.

  • If the action is made by workers using just their own force (and at most a hand tool), then we call it manual work.
  • In forestry, manual work is not so rare as we might think. Much tree planting is based on manual work. Even in harvesting operations, the axe and the hand saw have been popular for a long time, and they still are in those countries where labor is cheap.
  • Strictly speaking, the use of animals is not manual work proper, since workers do not use their own force to perform the action. But we shall include it into the manual work category for the sake of simplicity.


Matching technogram and ecogram

In Technodiversity, a graphical method to find the optimal harvesting method is supposed.

The technical conditions of the forest stand are represented by the technogram with the sides T-class (trafficability due to the moisture of the soil) and P-class (productivity of the stand). Each stand falls exactly into one field, in the example it is T3-P3; but under dry or wet conditions it can move to left (dryer, T2) or right (wet, T4).

As one possible harvesting method, the functiogram of a almost fully mechanized ctl-method with bogie-tracks is shown. In the ecogram, it has its optimum at T2-P3, but is good under T3-P3 and limited under T4-P3 and T1-P3.

Matching both graphs shows that the method is very good under dry conditions, but also good under normal conditions in this stand. In combination with the ecograms of other technical options, this may be a basis to select the optimal option.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D04)


Mechanized method

In Technodiversity, the total harvesting process normally is seen as a combination of several sub-processes. Each sub-process has a certain degree of mechanization. The degree of mechanization of the total method is given by the combination of these single degrees. There are five degrees of mechanization: (fully) manual method, partly motor-manual method, (fully) motor-manual method, partly mechanized method, fully mechanized method.

If all sub processes are done with self-propelled machines, the method is a fully mechanized method or easier: mechanized method.

Typically, that occurs when the harvester-forwarder team or the feller-buncher and skidder team are employed.

(See more under TDiv PR1-B04 and B05)


Mechanized work

When the engine is no longer portable but needs a carrier, we call that mechanized work. Because the weight of the machine is no longer limited by the weak carrying power of humans, the machine can be developed without any mass restrictions.

Currently we observe a steady increase of machine weight, in the pursuit of higher power and efficiency. But that does not go without any ecological consequences…

Mechanized work can be further subdivided into simple mechanized work, advanced mechanized work and automatic work.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B04)



See working method


This is one option to find the best option. Others are the monetarization, utility analysis, AHP, and optimality curves, for example. 

This method for decision making is a very simple one that is common in real life. Here, the decision-maker first eliminates any option that fails a certain criterion. After the elimination process, all surviving options are considered acceptable.

Next step is focusing on that single criterion that is the most important for the decision-maker. In real life, it often will be the monetary efficiencyIf so, the decision-maker will select that one among the surviving options that offers the highest income.

Given an example, the decision-maker has got a problem:

Option 3 does not fulfill the ecological compatibility requirement because it needs a higher trail density than is considered acceptable. Options 1 and 2 score quite low in terms of societal compatibility due to the activities on the forest roads. And the income of the zero-option does not fulfill the economic expectations. At the end, no option is good enough.

The decision-maker  now has two possibilities: to look for better options or to lower his demands.

For example, if he decides that societal compatibility is not so crucial, then options 1 and 2 become viable. Since these two options have “survived”, he must find the one among them that offers the highest net income. That is option 1, pT skidder. However, the effectiveness of option 1 is low. One has to correct the theoretical income with the coverage (economic effectiveness).

After that operation, the edge of option 1 (pT skidder) decreases, but it still remains the most profitable.

(See more at PR1-F04)



This is one option to find the best option. Others are the minimax-rule, utility analysis, AHP, and optimality curves, for example. 

Some economists point out, that evaluations deal with values. And values should be quantified in terms of currency, so that the easiest end is to add all values… That amounts to transfer any assessments to Euros or dollars. There are some models to do this in a fairly scientific way. 

Taking an example, we must invent some estimated figures. If those are accepted, then option 3 is best, and option 2 seems to be surprisingly good, too. But in some cases, we pass the limits of fairness and modesty. How to calculate the value of human health? …or of eco-efficiencySo, for as attractive this idea may sound, in practice it generates significant controversies.

(See more under PR1-F04)



Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

We know that there are days when the same job feels hard, and days when it feels much easier. Besides the organic disposition, the motivation of the worker is crucial for the strain.

Motivated workers experience their work easier and suffer less from strain symptoms.

Disposition and motivation together form the readiness for work. While capability is the potential of any given person, readiness is the percentage of that potential actually activated.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)


Motor-manual method

In Technodiversity, the total harvesting process normally is seen as a combination of several sub-processes. Each sub-process has a certain degree of mechanization. The degree of mechanization of the total method is given by the combination of these single degrees. There are five degrees of mechanization: (fully) manual method, partly motor-manual method, (fully) motor-manual method, partly mechanized method, fully mechanized method.

If both sub-processes are done by motor-manual work, the total process is a fully motor-manual method (or simpler: motor-manual method).

Examples are seldom; in practice we sometimes see a chainsaw and a motor-manual winch.

(See more under TDiv PR1-B04 and B05)


Motor-manual work

The term machine work describes the level of mechanization of a technical operation. Other levels are manual work and mechanized work.

Because manual work is tiresome, people have always looked for some external source of power. In modern times, the obvious step is to use an engine to drive the tool – hence the appearance of portable machines.

In forestry we call that „motor-manual work“ (an original forest definition that describes the situation well).

Typical examples of motor-manual work are the work with a chainsaw or with a brush cutter.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B04)




see horse


Natural elasticity

See natural regeneration of soil

Natural recovery of soil

See natural regeneration of soil


Natural regeneration of soil

Any compaction of a soil can be recovered by physical power (like frost or mechanical lifting) or by biological activities (roots, micro-organisms, worms…). Biological activities get their power by life processes that depend on breathing. Due to this reason, the measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the pores is a valid indicator for biological actions.

In biologically active soils the percentage (on volume) of CO2 is about 0,3%, a bit higher than in the outside air.

Directly after traffic we observe a quick increment of CO2 in the soil pores.But after a couple of hours the percentage of CO2 can go down again. We believe that in this case the pores in the soil are opened again by biological activities from all directions.Thus, though the specific soil pressure may be high, when the affected volume of soil is small and the lateral area is large as we have it with human footprints or animal steps, then recovery happens very quickly.

When a light tractor (< 5 t) drives on the soil, the impact is higher. For the first few months, the percentage of CO2 is significantly higher, but there is a tendency to recovering during the first year. Of course, much depends on the gross weight of the tractor, the number of passes, the soil type, the moisture… so, driving with tractors seems to approach the limits.

When a harvester, which has a gross weight > 15 tons, drives on the soil, the impact is so high, that the percentage of CO2 increases in the first few months and may exceed the 1,0 %vol threshold. Over several years there is no clear tendency towards recovery.

This tendency gets clear as soon as heavy forest machines drive on the soil several times. Here the soil shows no tendency for recovery.

(See more at PR1-D02)


Normative level

On the normative level of decision-making, persons like the owner of the company, the forest owner or in case of a state forest the parliament defines the objectives of all actions. Since in most cases there are more than one objective, collaborators need a guideline how to deal with competing or contradicting objectives. Very often a general guideline is given for external advertisement as well as for the internal communication, where this guideline allows all decision-makers in the company to streamline their decisions with the wishes of the top-management.

(see more in TDiv PR1-A05)




Objectives of forest operations depend on the objectives of the decision-making body, which normally is the forest owner. He follows his individual set of objectives, only.

In a first glance we can assume that there will be an overarching task to maximize the income of the owner. But things should be differentiated a bit more:

·      The material objective of any forest and herewith also for every forest owner is to care about the forest and to deliver services and goods in a sustainable way. This defines the typical character of this branch, its restrictions and limitations.

·      The manager of the forest must regard all these limitations. But inside these restrictions and natural limitations, different options are given to optimize the success. Choosing the best option is the original job of the manager. But what is the best? Here the overarching task may be to maximize the income of the owner, but in some cases, there are diverging priorities. The success of the manager is measured on the background of this formal objective.

So, not only one objective is followed but a set of more than one. Normally we work with three objectives, economy, ecology and social aspect. The relationship between them can be fixed with an ultimate goal that is typical for the forest owner resp. company.

Since the objectives and the ultimate goal are valid for all actions of the company (like silviculture, hunting, nature conservation and harvesting, e.g.), they must be broken down for each field. For each objective we are looking for one corresponding sub-objective that defines the suitability of the means to reach the objective. So, the sub-objectives for forest operations are economic suitability, ecological suitability and social suitability.

Each sub-objective can further be subdivided into two partial objectives, the effectiveness and the efficiency. Thus, at the end we have exactly 6 partial objectives that in common describe the suitability of operational options. We call this step the assessment as the objective part of the decision-making process.

Like we have seen with the ultimate goal, also the sub-objectives can be brought to a relationship by the help of a general concept. A well-developed general concept for forest operations declares the priorities and preferences of sub-objectives and partial objectives in order to find a final evaluation of the best option.

(See more in TDiv PR1-A02 and A03).

Operational method

Operational method describes a special aspect of a working method. While the working method gives an overview on machine, input and output of the method, the operational method concentrates on the work of the operator. It asks what he has to do, in which sequence he must go on, what he must look for…

But sometimes the worker does not exactly what he is asked to do. Maybe he invents his own sequence of steps or he works in a way that conflicts with any safety rules – then we call it the manner of working.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E03)


Operative level

On the operative level of decision-making, persons fell a lot of daily decisions during the operation to reach the assigned tasks. This happens on all management levels. But concerning forest technology and its impact to forests, mostly the forest workers and operators with their machines make things happen. So, collaborators on this practical level have a high and direct influence to the technical effects and damage to products, forest stands and soils by their operative decisions. 

The term “operative” should not be confused with “operational” that means that an objective is defined with clear results, responsibilities and appointed days.

(see more in TDiv PR1-A05)


Optimality curves

This is one method to find the best option. Other methods are minimax rule, monetarization, utility analysis, and AHP, for example.

This method that has been developed at Harvard University. With this method the efficiency and the effectiveness of each option are compared against each other. 

This works well when there is only one effectiveness and one efficiency. Since we have three criteria, we need to adapt it a bit: 

Here, we use the the same example as with the other decision making methods and also the same weights.

Now, we combine the assessments to one effectiveness and one efficiency.

Option 3 is located on the highest optimality curve, while option 1 is the worst option.

(See more under PR1-F04)



P-classes for productivity

From the Saxonian technological map we know the idea to expand the distance between permanent trails when the soils has a high sensitivity.

In Technodiversity, the decision about the distance between skid trails is made by the forest owner. This socio-economic approach gives the full freedom to him, asking: How much of the site’s productive potential are you willing to sacrifice to the technical function?”

Depending on the answers, we introduce five so-called P-classes (for productivity, but it does not only depend on the productivity):

P1: At a stand with low value (rocks, pure sand), any possible damage of traffic is not as important for the owner. Here, traffic may happen.

P2: At a medium-value stand, where the advantages of fully mechanized methods are dominant, up to 20% of compacted soil is acceptable.

P3: At a high value forest stand, where the owner sees the biological needs prior to technical needs, compaction should stay under 10%.

P4: At a stand with a very high value, the technical considerations should be restricted to a minimum, say roundabout 5 %.

P5: Finally, at a stand with an extreme high value, no machine traffic on the floor is accepted.

When we assume that a trail has a width of 4 m, then this corresponds with following patterns of opening-up:

P1: driving is accepted without any permanent pattern = “unlimited”

P2: trails with “20 m” distance

P3: trails with “40 m” distance

P4: trails on old given routes, mostly >80 m distance = “uneven”

P5: no driving with machines outside constructed roads at all.

These P-classes form the Y-axis oft the technogram of a stand as well as the ecogram of harvesting methods.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D04)


Partly mechanized method

In Technodiversity, the total harvesting process normally is seen as a combination of several sub-processes. Each sub-process has a certain level of mechanization. The degree of mechanization describes the combination of these levels. There are five degrees of mechanization: (fully) manual methodpartly motor-manual method(fully) motor-manual method, partly mechanized methodfully mechanized method.

If one sub-process is done by manual or motor-manual work and the other by mechanized work, then the method is a partly mechanized method.

Examples are: chainsaw and skidder, chainsaw and forwarder, or hand tool and tractor.

(See more under TDiv PR1-B04 and B05)


Partly motor-manual method

In Technodiversity, the total harvesting process normally is seen as a combination of several sub-processes. Each sub-process has a certain level of mechanization. The degree of mechanization describes the combination of these levels. There are five degrees of mechanization: (fully) manual method, partly motor-manual method(fully) motor-manual methodpartly mechanized methodfully mechanized method.

If one sub-process is done by manual work and the other by motor-manual work, then the method is a partly motor-manual method.

Examples are: chainsaw and horse or chainsaw and extraction by hand.

(See more under TDiv PR1-B04 and B05)


See system performance

Permanent work load

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

When the worker can manage his workload independently, he can find the right pace to keep strain at an acceptable level.But there are situations when the strain exceeds that level. For example, when the worker is pushed to reach a certain performance that is beyond his long-term capacity… or when he is so motivated that he does not realize that he is overreaching.

If the actual strain momentarily exceeds this permanent load, it will not be a problem. In real life, this happens very often. It can even improve the training and exercise (conditioning). But at the end of the day there should be a balance between periods of excessive strain and periods of lower strain (recovery). Otherwise, overload will accumulate and result in damage.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)


Plastic deformation of soil

What happens, when a vehicle drives on dry soil?

First compaction:The larger pores collapse, and the soil is compacted.

Relaxation:After the wheel has passed, the elastic component of the soil (roots, pores with compressed gas etc.) will push it back towards its original volume. But the former level is seldom reached.

Subsequent compaction (following passes):When the load is the same as with the former traffic, the compaction and relaxation are as high as before.

Finally, there remains a permanent rut.

(See more at PR1-D02)


Portable winch

The portable winch is used for pre-skidding tree length or single logs from the stand (buffer 12 or 13) to the trail (buffer 22 or 23). Other possibilities to pre-skid logs are by tractor winch, horse/ mule or a human carrying the logs. 

The portable winch is a powered tool that reels in or pays out a cable. To use the reeling function the portable winch gets tied to the base of a tree close to its location. From there the portable winch can fulfill its dragging function as soon as the cable has been fixed to the full tree, tree length or log, that should be dragged.

Because of its light weight, the portable winch causes negligible soil compaction and can be carried to its location by human. Since the portable winch needs to be carried into the stand/ trail by a human, the work with the portable winch is considered as motor-manual work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photo Grube)

Post calculation

The post calculation is a part of the cost calculations that a manager must do during the work life of a machine or working system.

The task of the post calculation is to collect all costs that have occurred with this system during its total life span. So, it is only pure statistics. But these statistics give important hints for further calculations, because they serve as experience data and reference numbers for calculations that concern with comparable machines or systems, respectively.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C01)



Pragmatical distant persons

In a study from 2009, Kleinhückelkotten et al. have found five different groups of people who use the forests for recreation. One of them are thepragmatical distant persons, the others are holistic forest friends, ecological forest romantics, self-centered forest users, and indifferent persons.

In the study, the pragmatical distant persons represented 23% of the total and formed the biggest group. They see the forest primarily as a material resource. They believe that forestry performs well and like it when a forest looks organized and cleaned up. This group supports efficient forest technology and may complain when efficiency is sacrificed to nature conservation. 

(See more under TDiv PR1-E02)



Before we decide to invest into any machine or system, we should try to get a detailed insight to its cost structure. If we use the same scheme for calculation for different options, we can compare the costs of them. So, the calculation scheme is important. Traditionally, we use the engineering formula, which has fife cost elements: depreciation, interest costs, repair costs, variable costs and labor costs.

But before we start to calculate the costs of any sub-process, we need to get an overview over the cost structure of the total process. To do this, we must build up the tree of calculations.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C01)




see solutions for pre-skidding

Prevention of rutting

On the base of the tree types of ruts on soil combined with the behavior of lumps of soil when they are thrown against any surface, the Bavarian State Forest BaySF has developed a practical reference sheet:

•       If you have the type 1 and the soil lump is stable, you may drive.

•       If you have the type 3, then stop driving immediately

•       If you have the type 2 and the soil lump can be formed easily, you should try to drive very carefully:

--      if the ruts stay at type 2, then go on driving

--      if they turn to type 3

---     reduce the load or the tire pressure and repeat the test

---    if they still turn to type 3, then stop!

(See more at TDiv PR1-D03)



The word derives from Latin „procedere“, meaning “to go on”. As a term, „process“  describes what happenswith details about tools and machines, working steps, time consumption, results etc.

As soon as there is any normative implication how the process should be, we talk about a method. When this method should normally be used, we call it standard method.

In detail, we can make a difference between the terms working method, operational method and manner of working.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E03)



Processing changes the state of the working product. In forest harvesting context, processing includes delimbing, topping, cross-cutting or bucking and chipping, but not felling. Felling and processing together are called harvesting (in a narrower sense).

(See more at TDiv PR1-B01)



The processor is a self-propelled machine which is designed to delimb and cut-cross felled trees into logs (buffer 31 to 33 or buffer 32 to 33). Alternatives which are commonly used in forestry for the sub-processes of delimbing and cross-cutting are the chainsaw as a tool, and the harvester as a machine.

The processor can handle multiple functions such as delimbing, measuring and cross-cutting or bunching, but the processor cannot fell trees. Therefore, the work of the processor follows the felling of the tree and is mainly performed on central places, where full trees are arriving, or on the forest road.

Processors were the technical stage before industry was able to build harvesters, Today the task of a harvester can be done by harvesters as well. Only in combination with cable yarders, we se specialized processors.  

The work with the processor is assigned to the mechanized (automatic) work.

(See PR1-B03 and PR1-B07)


See system performance


Readiness for work

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

We know that there are days when the same job feels hard, and days when it feels much easier. This depends on the disposition (physical variance) on one hand and the motivation (mental variance) on the other hand. Both together form the readiness for work.

While capability is the potential of any given person, readiness is the percentage of that potential actually activated.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)



Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health.

If the strain overruns the permanent work load, it may have two consequences: On one hand the body is pushed to improve its capacities. We use this effect for active training and conditioning. But on the other hand, acute or chronic damage can occur. Therefor breaks for recovery are necessary and should actively be provided by the employer.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)



One aspect of societal compatibility is the potential to get in conflict with people who seek recreation in the forests. This group of forest users is not homogenous and so their demands are diverse, too. This makes it difficult to fully meet their needs.

Some studies have tried to describe this population of forest users. As an example, we can quote the research work of Kleinhückelkotten, who correlated forest visitor’s characteristics with SINUS-milieus that are widely used in socio-economics. SINUS-milieus try to categorize people  based on the intersection of social class (defined by income as lower or upper class) and the main orientation like  traditional values, believe in modernization or reorientation and experimentation as shown in the figure.

Though these results are only representative for Germany at beginning of this century and cannot be transferred to other countries without adaptations, the basic information seems to be relevant in general. The groups are:

·      22% holistic forest friends

·      16% ecological forest romantics

·      23% pragmatical distant persons

·      22% self-centered forest users

·      18% indifferent persons.

But all forest visitors have one common need: they use the forest roads as their access to the forest and don’t want to be disturbed. consequently, if we keep the roads clear for people to move on them, this can help to improve the acceptance of forest techniques and operations. In Technodiversity, we have invented the S-class that describes the grade of disturbance on the forest road by harvesting operations.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E02)

Lit.: Kleinhückelkotten S., Calmbach M., Glahe H.-P., Stöcker R., Wippermann C. & Wippermann K. 2009: Kommunikation für eine nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft. Forschungsverband Mensch & Wald, M&W –Bericht 09/01, Hannover, S. 33 ff


Repair and maintenance costs

Repair and maintenance (R&M) costs are a part of the cost calculation with the engineering formula. They consider the estimated costs for repairs and services during the life span of the machine.

Saving money in anticipation of breakdowns and regular planned maintenance has two effects:Have money available when maintenance is needed and to share those costs that occur irregularly with all customers.

From other machines we can get a feeling of how high the R&M costs would be. As a general rule of thumb based on experience, a forwarder needs the same sum for repairs and maintenance over its whole service life span as the initial price of the machine. A tractor takes a bit less, a harvester a bit more. This relationship can be expressed as a factor “r” for repairs.

Now it’s easy to calculate the costs of repair and maintenance:

•       Take the price of initial investment

•       multiply it with factor r

•       and divide it by the number of years that you expect the machine to run.

However, the trend is not linear. Normally, a machine will have very low R&M costs in the first years, then those costs will increase as the effect of wear develops. Therefore, this calculation accounts for the average costs per year over the whole machine lifetime.

Old machines that are written-off and don't cost for depreciation or interest, have a wide space for R&M costs. This is the reason that there is a market for written-off machines.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C02)


Resilience of soil

See natural regeneration of soil

Risks and side-effects

Risks and side-effects are non-intended effects of our actions.

Side-effects happen, whether we like it or not. Normally this term is preferred for those that hurt us, not for the indifferent or desired ones. The task is to find a way to keep those undesirable side-effects within acceptable limits. To that end, we must improve our system or run a new system selection.

Contrary to side effects, risks may happen but are not inevitable. If they happen, they often cause heavy damage. If, e.g., we a damage that will cost 1000 € - if it happens. If we estimate that this damage will occur in 5 % of all cases, the risk is 1000 € x 0,05 = 50 €.

But be careful with the word damage, because not every change is a damage. To category any result as a damage is an anthropocentric decision:

To be a damage, the change must be is caused by a singular incident, that we can undoubtedly address.

But not all changes disturb the needs of human beings. So, the decision to be a damage is an anthropocentric one. A damage only happens to things that have a certain value for us. This may not be expressed in terms of money: it can also be ecological value, social value or emotional value… the fundamental thing is that value is being lost.

And of course, only those consequences that are not desirable from the human point of view are a damage.

The system, will it be able to reverse it in a reasonable time? If so, we can accept it. But if not, it really is a damage. But what is a reasonable time? In Technodiversity, as a practical approach we have defined reasonable time as the time span between two interventions – like “return time”. For example, for thinning operations 5-10 years, for systems with permanent cover (tropics) 25-40 years. If recovery needs longer than that time span, we may consider the damage as permanent.

When we want to know who is responsible for a damage, we should be careful. In forestry, very often people have the tendency to blame the machines if something goes wrong, because they look strange and aggressive in the nature. But a lot of negative changes have their root cause in a wrong decision. In such case, the machine is not to blame, but the manager, who has taken the decision. But in the case that the machine has caused the damage, we should address it clearly to avoid the same incident in the future.

Damage by forest operations is sub-divided into felling damage and skidding damage.

(See more at PR1-D01)



For decision making, we have several methods to find the best option. Examples are minimax rule, monetarization, utility analysis, AHP, and optimality curves (see PR1-F04). 

They all have in common that the decision is generally made in order to achieve a specific goal. But unfortunately, in real life the goal is not always clear. Therefore, with the rosette the argumentations is turned from head to feet: We ask which option will be the best when we modify the goal.

As an example, we take the same example as with the other decision making methods with the same “scores” as well. And – like with school grades – we accept to treat them like cardinal numbers. That way we can use the mathematical operations of addition and multiplication. Then we play with weighing in order to clarify the effect of changing priorities on option ranking.

When we take economy as the sole criterion (100% weight), we get the following optima:

If we select ecology as the sole criterion (100% weight), we get the following optima:

And finally, if we choose social aspects as the sole criterion (100% weight), we get the following optima:

Until now, it seems confusing. But by introducing some finer transitions, hopefully we shall find a pattern. We will calculate these transitions with the weights:


When we paint all 10 combinations and arrange them to a "rosette", we can put our winners the three poles:

We can make it separately for the effectiveness and the efficiency or as combination of both for the suitability (like above).
Here we see the result of the example for all aspects:

Under efficiency aspects 

  • #0 Zero-option is the winner, when we don’t think at the economic dimension.
  • #1 pT skidder wins, when we fade out the ergonomic disadvantages.
  • #3 fC winch-assist is the best option under the economic and ergonomic views.

Under point of view of effectiveness

  • #3 fC winch assist is nearly the overall winner.
  • #0 zero-option is evaluated on a comparable level when economy is not considered.
  • #2 pT yarder is the best option when we simply focus on effectiveness.

And when we combine both, efficiency and effectiveness, things become clearer:

  • #3 fC winch assist is the best option when economy and/or societal aspects play a role.
  • #0 zero-option is better, when ecology comes to the fore.


The same basics can be used to point out the focus area of a specific option, like here the zero option that is the winer under ecological and societal view.

(See more at PR1-F05)


Rules and laws for forest operations

Concerning the basic concept of Technodiversity, decision making should respect local societal needs to keep a certain societal compatibility. In some cases, the local society has developed a specific sensitivity against human impacts to nature in general, and forest land in particular. In other cases, people fear that forest activities can destroy historical sites, natural monuments etc.

In general, the correlations with harvesting activities are too specific for drawing general rules. When an issue arises, decision makers need to manage it individually.

Very often, restrictions are explicitly formulated as laws, landscape plans or other regulations. Obviously, official regulations must be heeded to and if any such regulations concern an operation, they must be considered since the beginning at the planning stage. When selecting the most suitable system, any option going against such regulations must be immediately excluded from the list.

(See more at TDiv PR1-E02)



See types of ruts on trails

Ruts by traffic on bare soil

See sectors under wheel



Public recreation can get in conflict with harvesting operations. Based on SINUS-milieus, different user groups are found that have very different needs and expectations to the forest owner. But all forest visitors have one common need: they use the forest roads as their access to the forest and don’t want to be disturbed. If we keep the roads clear for people to move on them, this can help to improve the acceptance of forest techniques and operations. Thus, the forest roads take over the role as a key factor for the acceptance of techniques by the forest visitors.

Based on the functiogram, we can define five S-classes for societal compatibility:

S1 chipping of wood on the forest road of storing of chips there with noise, dust, and trash on the ground = arrow ending at 34;

S2 processing round wood on the forest road with impact to the road = arrow down ending at 32 or 33;

S3 unloading and loading of tree lengths or full trees along the forest road with skidding on the floor = arrow from 22 to 32 or 21 to 31;

S4 unloading and loading of short wood along the forest road, only picking up of products = arrow from 23 to 33;

S5 perfect, no contact with forest roads.

(See more at TDiv PR1-E02)


Sectors under wheel

Under a wheel, the load is covered by the soil. Inside the soil, zone of the same pressure (isobars) can be drawn like onion peels. Directly under the wheel the forces follow gravity and form a compaction. But to the left and right of the main vertical push, the soil can relax against the neighboring soil particles; the vectors turn around. The parts of the soil near the surface give way to the pressure and are lifted.

Thus, ruts are not only the result of compaction, but also of lateral lifting of the soils beneath the ruts.

(See more at PR1-D02)


Self-centered forest users

In a study from 2009, Kleinhückelkotten et al. have found five different groups of people who use the forests for recreation. One of them are the self-centered forest users, the others are holistic forest friends, ecological forest romantics, pragmatical distant persons, and indifferent persons.

In the study, 22% have been characterized as self-centered forest users. For them, the forest is no more than a backdrop for their hedonistic activities, such as playing sports, picnicking etc. They regard any limitations as the unacceptable restriction of their freedom.

 As such, they are not amenable to restrictions caused by forest activities, regardless of harvesting methods and technology.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E02)




See risks and side-effects

Simple mechanized work

The term mechanized work describes the level of mechanization of a technical operation. Other levels are manual work and motor-manual work. Mechanized work can further be divided into simple, advanced and automatic work.

Simple mechanized work offers increased power and mobility, but all auxiliary functions are done by humans.

Example: a cable skidder, which can move larger loads than a human can, and does that at a higher speed. But the attachment of the logs must be done manually by the operator.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B04)




see solutions for skidding

Skidding damage

Skidding damage happens during the extraction. It can be caused by the machine or the skidded log.

Animals seldom bump into trees, because they fear to be wounded. Machines have no sensors to protect from damage, only the driver should have. Therefore, in dense stands the moving pattern of the machine has an influence to the likelihood of a damage:

Curves can be tricky, when the rear axle has a shorter turning radius than the front axle as it is common with Ackerman steering. Conventional machines like farm tractors and trucks have Ackerman steering.

Dedicated forestry machines often have an articulated frame, where the two half-frames are connected by a central hinge. In that case, the rear wheels follow exactly the same track as the front wheels. The risk to damage trees is much lower.

Another cause of damage is that the superstructure of a forest machine (like cabin, loading boom and basket) bumps against neighboring trees because of uneven floor. If the machine is fitted with bogies, the deflection of the chassis is only half as high then without bogies, so the danger of accident decreases.

Damage to the stand can be caused by long logs, too. The area of the danger zone depends on the length of the log and the angle 𝛂 between log axis and strip road.

This formula says that the length has the most important influence on the danger zone. Thus, Systems that transport short logs make less damage to the forest stands.

(See more at PR1-D01)



Skills of a worker

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact a body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. Since a standard method causes a stress that is typical for this standard method, the strain as a reaction to this typical stress situation should be typical, too.

The intensity of the strain, however, is not the same. It depends on the worker: his personal attributes, his abilities and his skills (together they form the capability for work). And it varies due to the actual disposition and motivation (together called readiness for work), and his health. If the strain overruns the permanent work load, breaks are necessary for his personal recovery to avoid acute or chronic damage.

Most jobs require a certain technique. Skilled persons can reach results that will never be possible for unskilled persons.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)


Social efficiency

Social suitability

Social suitability is one sub-objective of the decision-making process. It corresponds with the social objective of the company in a means-end-relationship: The means should be developed in a way that it fulfills the end that is given by the objective of the company.

The social suitability is subdivided into ergonomics and societal compatibility. On the same level are two competing sub-objectives: the economic and the ecological suitability. The relationships between them can be organized by the general concept for technical operations that is given by the company.

The societal compatibility deals with the needs of the local society, within which the forest company operates. It is achieved by matching the different demands for recreation, heritage, employment etc. In Technodiversity, we have invented the S-class.

Ergonomics, however, is focused on the wellbeing of the workers employed by the forest company, which is responsible for the working sites and methods. Employers must plan and conduct their operations in a way that minimizes the risk for the operators to suffer an accident or become ill. In Technodiversity, we have invented the E-class.

Now we combine the assessments for ergonomics and societal compatibility in a 5x5-table, on x-axis the E-class and on y-axis the S-class.

As an example, a fully mechanized CTL method with harvester and forwarder falls into the S-class S4 and E-classes E4 (forwarder) and E5 (harvester). Another option, a partly mechanized tree-length method with horse and tractor, falls in S-class 3 and E-classes E1 (horse), E2 (chainsaw), and E3 (tractor).

Now the decision maker can mark his individual preferences. Here we chose traffic light colors to represent green (okay), yellow (limited), red (not acceptable).

For example, one decision maker might feel uncomfortable with manual work due to safety concerns and prefer mechanized work, instead. Then he marks E1 with red, E2 with yellow, and the other columns with green (left table).

Concerning compatibility with recreational needs (in the middle), our decision-maker may want to avoid processing on the forest road. Loading operations, however, could be accepted without constrains. Consequently, S1 and S2 are not acceptable, but all other S-classes are okay for this decision maker.

When we combine those assessments (right table), at each intersection the less desirable color is dominant (comparable with the bottle-neck-rule). 

In our example we see, that the fully mechanized cut-to-length method with harvester and forwarder (fC) fits well to the societal assessment of this company. The partly mechanized method fails, due to the critical assessment of manual and motor-manual work.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03, -E01, -E04, and E05)


Societal compatibility

Societal compatibility is a partial objective for decision-making. It wants to avoid disturbances that can occur in conflict with the needs and demands of the public. In forestry people enter the forests to recreate and enjoy their life and feel disturbed by forest operations. Cultural needs of the local population can be disturbed by technical activities, too. A third criterion may be the wish of local people to be employed by the forest company in order to earn money.

As criteria in Technodiversity, we use the S-classes for societal needs. 

Together with its twin ergonomics we can assess the social suitability that is one sub-objective to find the optimal option. Parallel to the social suitability we also should look at the economic and the ecological suitability. For more information about systematics of decision-making, look at objectives and three-step model of optimization.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A03, PR1-E02, and -E04)

Societal demand for recreation

Soil compaction

When a vehicle gets in contact with the forest floor, its weight bears on the ground. One part bears on the solid phase like stones, sand, clay, and roots. But the forces are transmitted to the soil pores, too, which can be filled with air or water. In case of water, this liquid cannot be compressed and transfers the load in all directions.

Directly on the surface two additional effects occur:

•       The cohesion describes the binding forces of a body, for example when the wheel is caught by a thorn vine.

•       And there is a certain adhesion that depends on the electromagnetical coherence between two units, here between wheel and soil surface (but this force is very week).

All these forces together form the resultant force.

The resultant force can be expressed by two components:

•       the normal force, which works perpendicular to the contact surface and

•       the shear force, which works rectangular to it parallel to the surface.

Together with the reaction of the ground, they form a power triangle: When the triangle is closed, the soil is stable enough to keep the wheel. But when the potential of the soil is lower, then the triangle is not closed and the soil will be compacted.

Since this compaction will make the soil stronger, the reaction force increases. When the reaction force is equal to the resultant force, the compaction stops. But a rut remains; we call it plastic deformation.

(See more at PR1-D02)


Soil damage

The model of soil damage of Technodiversity acts on the assumption of tree soil states:

A) Untouched forest soil: biologically healthy and productive

B) Trafficable trail: compacted by former traffic and strong enough for future traffic

C) Destroyed trail: impacted by former traffic in a way that is no longer usable.

By traffic, a soil moves from untouched soil (A) to trafficable trail (B). After traffic, maybe it has a chance to find back to state (A) by biological (worms, roots…) and physical (frost) influences. As long as this happens in a reasonable time, we call it elastic deformation. But very often the traffic with our heavy machines causes a plastic deformation, which means that no natural regeneration will happen in a reasonable time period.

This must not be regarded as damage as long as the technical function of the trail has priority for the owner. Because the compacted trail can be used for future harvesting operations, too, as long as it keeps its technical functionality. This has the advantage that next time the rate of compacted soil will not increase. To reach this, we demand for permanent trails as a central idea of eco-efficiency.

For the question, how much of the soil is allowed to be fixed for technical purposes, no absolute answer can be found. This depends on the decision of the owner.

Consequently, any further degradation of the soil towards destroyed trail (state C) must be avoided. There are two tactics: To stop the operation immediately when critical signs occur or to shape the harvesting system in a way that the likelihood of any damage is minimized. But sometimes the trail will be destroyed in a way that no more traffic can happen on it. Then it should be repaired by technical means (road construction) to recover the technical functionality.

(See more at PR1-D02)


Solutions for „harwarding“ of short logs

One option which can only be executed by a special machine is the “harwarding” of short logs.

In this case a special machine, the harwarder, fells the tree, delimbs it, cross-cuts it into logs and skids the logs to the forest road (buffer 10 to 33). All these sub-processes are done in one step without a buffer to interrupt.

Since all the sub-processes are done by the harwarder, it is assigned to the mechanized work.


Solutions for chipping at the forest road

To produce chips (= chipping) at the forest road, full trees (buffer 31 to 34), tree lengths (buffer 32 to 34) or short logs (buffer 33 to 34) can be used.

The chipping is a mechanized work and can be executed by a chipper.


Solutions for chipping on the trail

To produce chips (= chipping) on the trail, full trees (buffer 21 to 24), tree lengths (buffer 22 to 24) or residues (buffer 23 to 24) can be used.

The chipping is a mechanized work and can be executed by a chipper.

A specialized option is a biomass-harvester. This machine fells the tree and directly forms chips out of it (buffer 10 to 24).


Solutions for cross-cutting

The sub-process of cross-cutting describes the transformation from tree lengths or a full tree into short logs. It can be carried out either in combination with the delimbing of the tree or detached from the delimbing as a single function.

If the tree is delimbed and cross-cut in one step, this is usually done on the trail (buffer 21 to 23) or the forest road (buffer 31 to 33). The combination of delimbing and cross-cutting is executed mechanically with a processor ( can also be executed with a harvester) on the trail or the forest road.

If the tree length is cross-cut as a single function, it can be done either in the stand (buffer 12 to 13) or on the trail (buffer 22 to 23) or the forest road (buffer 32 to 33). Usually it is done motor-manually with a chainsaw.


Solutions for delimbing

During the sub-process of delimbing, a full tree is converted into a tree length by cutting of the top of the tree and the branches.

If the tree is only delimbed, this is usually done motor-manually with the chainsaw. Depending on where the full tree is located, delimbing can be performed either in the stand (buffer 11 to 12), on the trail (buffer 21 to 22) or the forest road (buffer 31 to 32).

The sub-process of delimbing can also be carried out in combination with the felling of the tree. This combined option of felling and delimbing can be executed mechanically by a harvester or motor-manually with a chainsaw. While the tree that is felled and delimbed motor-manually remains in the stand (buffer 10 to 12) after the process, the tree that is felled and delimbed mechanically is lifted onto the trail during the process (buffer 10 to 22).


Solutions for extracting (skidding) tree lengths

During the sub-process of extracting/ skidding, the tree lengths are moved from the trail (buffer 22) to the forest road (buffer 32).

Usually, the extracting is executed mechanically. Often used machines are the cable skidder and clam-bunk skidder. In both cases, the transport of the tree lengths is carried out in a dragging movement. The cable skidder can also be used not only for the skidding of tree lengths but also for the combined sub-processes of pre-skidding and skidding (see “Solutions for pre-skidding and skidding of tree lengths”).


Solutions for extraction of short logs

The extraction of short logs describes the transportation of the logs from the trail to the forest road (buffer 23 to 33).

It is a mechanized work, usually done by a forwarder or a tractor with a trailer.


Solutions for felling

For the subprocess of felling there are two options common. The complete tree can be either just felled or felled and then directly hauled.

If the tree is only felled, the subprocess normally is performed motor-manually with a chainsaw. After felling, the full tree remains in the stand (buffer 10 to 11).

If the tree is felled and hauled, the full tree does not stay in the stand after felling but is moved to the trail (buffer 10 to 21), where it will get hauled. These steps (felling and hauling) are executed by a feller and form the second option for the subprocess of felling. The work with the feller is described as mechanized work.

Solutions for felling and processing short logs

The felling and processing (= harvesting) of short logs can also be executed in one step. Without a buffer to interrupt the process, the complete tree is felled, branches are removed, and the tree is topped and cross-cut.

This process can be done motor-manually with a chainsaw or mechanically with a harvester. If the harvesting takes place motor-manually, the logs remain in the stand near the stump (buffer 10 to 13). If the harvesting is done mechanically, the stem is lifted onto the trail during the process (buffer 10 to 23).


Solutions for pre-skidding and skidding of tree lengths

In some cases, the sub-process of pre-skidding is not necessary and can be skipped. Then, the tree lengths are skidded directly from the stand (buffer 12) to the forest road (buffer 32).

This may be the case, if there are no regulations for the machines to stay on a permanent trail or if the technology of the machines makes the sub-process of pre-skidding unnecessary.

Machines which can skid tree lengths directly are for example the cable yarder or the cable skidder. While the cable yarder skids the tree lengths in a carrying movement to the forest road, the cable skidder needs to drag the tree lengths.


Solutions for pre-skidding full trees

The pre-skidding of full trees can be performed either by animals (horse) or as mechanized work by machines.

As machines usually a tractor winch or a cable yarder are taken for the subprocess of pre-skidding.

While the tractor winch and horse can only drag the full tree from the stand (buffer 11) to the trail (buffer 21), the cable yarder is able to carry the full tree to the trail.


Solutions for pre-skidding short logs

During the pre-skidding of short logs, the short logs are moved from the stand onto the trail (buffer 13 to 23). In special cases, the short logs can also be skidded directly from the stand to the forest road (buffer 13 to 33).

Due to the “light” weight of the short logs, there are a lot of options possible for pre-skidding them. They can either be carried manual by a person or a mule or dragged by a horse. Another option is to pre-skid the logs mechanically with a cable skidder.

The cable skidder and horse can also be used for the direct skidding of logs from the stand to the forest road.


Solutions for pre-skidding tree lengths

The pre-skidding of tree lengths (stem without branches and crown) can be performed either manual by animals (horse) or as mechanized work by machines.

The most common options for the pre-skidding of tree lengths are the use of a horse, tractor winch or cable yarder.

While the tractor winch and horse can only drag the tree length from the stand (buffer 12) to the trail (buffer 22), the cable yarder is able to carry the tree length to the trail (buffer 22).


Solutions for skidding full trees

The skidding of full trees is commonly a mechanized sub-process. For the extraction of full trees several options are available.

The clam-bunk skidder and grapple skidder are normally used only for the skidding from the trail (buffer 21) to the forest road (buffer 31). Whereas the cable yarder and the cable skidder can be taken not only for the skidding but also for the pre-skidding of full trees (buffer 11 to 31).

The transportation of the full tree by cable skidder, grapple skidder or clam-bunk skidder is executed in a dragging movement, the transportation with the cable yarder in a carrying movement.

options described in this glossary are


SP-10-11 motor-manual felling with chainsaw

Cutting tree at the base with chainsaw and fell it in a predefined pattern.



  • no need to relocate machines
  • low investment
  • accessibility to almost all terrain condition
  • no need for strip roads (unless needed by extraction vehicles)
  • no tree size limitation
  • higher productivity than manual work

 Limitations, thresholds

  • safety: motor-manual felling is very dangerous
  • requires high skills
  • tiresome, high strains

Main use

  • thinning operations (pure selection)
  • steep terrain
  • broadleaf trees with higher dimensions
  • wherever machine access is limited
Economic suitability:

  • machine costs without personal costs: 4.00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35.00 Euro/h
  • number of persons involved: 1
  • in total: 39.00 Euro/h
  • regression formula: 
    • bo = 8
    • b1 = 15

Ecological suitability:

  • Felling damage can occur when the forest stand is dense; depends on the education and skill of the forest worker
  • Ecogram 

Social suitability:

  • S-class: no work on forest roads -> S5
  • E-class: motor-manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E2

Anonymous (2007): Scope of best operation practice (bop). (unveröffentlicht). Hg. v. Forestry Solutions.

Engler, Benjamin (2011): Gestaltung von Arbeitsprozessen bei der Bewirtschaftung von Eukalyptusplantagen in Süd-China. Analyse gegenwärtiger Arbeitsverfahren und Modellierung eines höheren Mechanisierungsgrades in der Holzernte zur Beurteilung der ökonomischen Auswirkungen. Dissertation. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg.


SP-10-12 motor-manual harvesting of tree length

Felling, directly followed by delimbing and topping at the predefined diameter. Important: felling direction in order to minimize the damage in stand at the pre-skidding and extraction operations



  • Very flexible, nearly every tree can be processed
  • No dependency on skid roads
  • Low investment cost
  • Low relocation cost
Limitations, thresholds
  • High need for skills with increasing stem volume
  • Dangerous work
  • Cost with low productivity
  • Effort: heavy cardio-vascular workload
  • Need to have at least another (or other 2 workers) at the worksite. Cannot work alone (legal obligation in some countries, in some certification schemes, too)
Main use
  • Standard at sites with tree-length skidding
  • Broad-leaved trees, tree volume too high for harvester or stand not accessible for harvester
Economic suitability
  • machine costs without personal costs: 4.00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35.00 Euro/h
  • number of persons involved: 1
  • in total: 39.00 Euro/h
  • regression formula
    • b0 = 15
    • b = 15

Ecological suitability:

  • Ecogram 

Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: motor-manual work, very heavy and dangerous work -> E2 


SP-10-13 motor-manual harvesting of short logs

Felling, delimbing and bucking to standard industrial logs or differentiated assortments directly in the stand




  • Letting nutrients and biomass in the stand
  • No transport of waste
  • Low investment
  • Low relocation cost
Limitations, thresholds
  • Dangerous work, ergonomic limitations
  • Extreme danger at steep terrain
  • Costs of processing
  • High costs of pre-skidding (logs are not bunched/stacked - follows higher cost of forwarding)
Main use
  • For lowering the mass of the logs in order to ease manual pre-skidding (animal, hand)

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 4,0 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 39,00 Euro/h
    • regression line time per tree
    • b0 = 4,0
    • b1 (tree volume) =  22,0

Ecological suitability:

  • Ecogram 

Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: motor-manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E2


SP-10-21 mechanized felling with a feller

Only felling as a preparation for processing on accessible ground or safer ground, or before grapple skidding

If this is the only function, the machine is called feller. But a harvester can do the job as well.   


  • it is a machine work if the working on site is dangerous
  • taking the work apart from extremely danger site
  • bunching tree into a suitable loads and/or laying down in a orderly pattern
Limitations, thresholds
  • bringing the felling head to the felling site (skid roads or driving without the limitation on the ground)
  • machine accessibility to the site (need a strip road, no pure selection)
Main use
  • first cut in windthrows or on steep terrain
  • biomass operation in thinning

Economic suitability:


  • machine costs without personal costs: 65,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 100,00 Euro/h
  • regression line time per tree
    • b0 = 2 min/tree
    • b1 = 0,5 min/m3


Ecological suitability:


Social suitability:

  • S-class: work has no contact with forest roads, S5
  • E-class: advanced machine work, E4



Schweier, J., Spinelli, R., Magagnotti, N., Becker, G. (2015) Mechanized coppice harvesting with new small-scale feller-bunchers: Results from harvesting trials with newly manufactured felling heads in Italy. Biomass and Bioenergy, 72, pp. 85-94. 

Spinelli, R., Cuchet, E., Roux, P. (2007) A new feller-buncher for harvesting energy wood: Results from a European test programme. Biomass and Bioenergy, 31 (4), pp. 205-210.

Spinelli R., Hartsough B., Owende P., Ward S. (2002) Productivity and cost of mechanized whole-tree harvesting of fast-growing eucalypt stands. International Journal of Forest Engineering 13, p. 49-60.

Cacot E. Chantier de St. Vitte sur Briance (87)- Abattage mecanisé des peuplements feuillus par une tête a guillotine. Paris: AFOCEL Flash Chantier CO68; 2004.

Hiesl P, Benjamin J. 2013. A multi-stem feller-buncher cycle-time model for partial harvest of small-diameter wood stands. IFJE 2013;24(2):101-108.

Visser R., Stampfer K. 2003 Tree lenght system evaluation of second thinning in a loblolly pine plantation. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 27: 77-82


SP-10-22 mechanized harvesting of tree length

Trees are felled and delimbed with a harvester, but trees are not crosscut (generally with the intention of postponing bucking at a better facility in order to maximize value recovery)


  • Safer compared with motor-manual operations
  • Faster compared with mechanized harvesting of short logs in clearcuts
  • Possibility to work on ghost trails and increase distance between skid trails (where ghost trails are allowed)
Limitations, thresholds
  • Tree-lengths are less maneuverable than short logs
  • Higher potential for residual stand damage, esp. during subsequent extraction
Main use
  • Plantation forestry, often associated with the use of centralized processing yards

Economic suitability:


  • machine costs without personal costs: 160,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 195,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 1,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0 

Ecological suitability:


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: advanced machine work -> E4


SP-10-23 mechanized harvesting of short logs

  • Harvester standing on skid road
  • Gripping into stand to fell tree (or in front to open up new skid road)
  • pre-skid full tree by lifting the crane
  • processing in front of machine, storing along skid road 



  • Very highly productive
  • Good working site
  • Very low damage in stand because of upright pre-skidding and cross-cutting directly at the skid road = before the first curve has to be taken
Limitations, thresholds
  • Distance of skid
  • Roads not more than 2x reach of crane
  • Coniferous trees or younger broadleaved trees
Main use
  • Standard method on sites, which are accessible for wheeled machines
  • With  roads or with traction-line also in steep terrain

Economic suitability:


  • machine costs without personal costs: 160,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 195,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,3

Ecological suitability:


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: advanced machine work -> E4


Brunberg T. 1997. Basic data for productivity norms for single-grip harvesters in thinning. The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Report 8/1997. 18 p. (In Swedish, English summary)

Brunberg T. 1995. Basic data for productivity norms for heavy-duty single-grip harvesters in final felling. The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Report 7/1995. 22 p. (In Swedish, English summary)

Emeyriat R., Picorit C., Reuling D., 1997. Perspectives of mechanised harvesting of maritime pine. Information Forèt, AFOCEL, Paris. Fiche 561, 6 p. (In French).

Glöde D. 1999. Single- and double-grip harvesters: productive measurements in final cutting of shelterwood. Journal of Forest Engineering 10 (2): 63-74.

Hǻnell B., Nordfjell T., Eliasson L. 2000. Productivity and costs in shelterwood harvesting. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 15 (5): 561-569.

Kärhä K., Rönkkö E., Gumse S. 2004. Productivity and cutting costs of thinning harvesters. International Journal of Forest Engineering 15 (2): 43-56.

Nakagawa M., Hamatsu J., Saitou T., Ishida H. 2007. Effects of tree size on productivity and time required for work elements in selective thinning by a harvester. International Journal of Forest Engineering 18 (2): 24-28.

Nurminen T., Korpunen H., Uusitalo J. 2006. Time consumption analysis of mechanized cut-to-length harvesting systems. Silva Fennica 40 (2): 335-363.

Purfürst F. 2007. Human influences on harvest operations. Proceedings of Austro 2007/FORMEC’07 “Meeting the Needs of Tomorrows’ Forests – New Development in Forest Engineering” October 7-11 2007, Vienna and Heiligenkreuz, Austria. 9 p.

Sirén M., Aaltio. 2003. Productivity and costs of thinning harvesters and harvester-forwarders. International Journal of Forest Engineering 14 (1): 39-48.

 Spinelli R., Magagnotti N., Nati C. 2009 Options for the mechanised processing of hardwood trees in Mediterranean forests. International Journal of Forest Engineering 20 (1): 39-44

Spinelli R., Owende P., Ward S. 2002. Productivity and cost of CTL harvesting of Eucalyptus globulus stands using excavator-based harvesters. Forest Products Journal 52 (1): 67-77.

 Spinelli, R., Hartsough, B., Magagnotti, N. (2010) Productivity standards for harvesters and processors in Italy. Forest Products Journal 60 (3), pp. 226-235.


SP-10-33 mechanized harvesting and forwarding with harwarder



  • 1 machine, 1 driver, 1 times moving  to the felling site
  • No access for the harvester – 1 turn less on the skid road (but harvester is not important when followed by forwarder)
  • Cleanest load - no contamination

Limitations, thresholds
  • While processing is forwarder not productive, while transporting is the heavy and expensive harvester head unproductive
  • Possible lower payload/tare ratio?

Main use
  • Only in areas where there is few harvesting mass (like singular windthrows, beatle trees) so that machine can finish its job at the first access
Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 250,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 285,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,3
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,01

Ecological suitability:



Social suitability:

  • S-class: unloading of short wood at forest road -> S4
  • E-class: advanced machine work, moderate -> E4


SP-10-34 mechanized felling and chipping with biomass harvester

One single machine cuts and  chips whole trees in one single passage. This system is applied to SRC plantations and the most popular units are based on powerful (≥300 Kw) foragers



Limitations, thresholds
  • Chips are wet and cannot be dried without an energy input (active drying) or losses (passive drying)
  • Requires flat terrain, solid
  • Requires that the crop is in orderly rows
  • Rather inflexible for stem size

Main use
  • Industrial SRC in ex-arable land

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 250,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 320,00 Euro/h
  • regression line time per tree
    • b0 = 0,2
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,01

Ecological suitability:


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: advanced machine work -> E4

Spinelli et al. 2009, 2011 and many others


SP-11-12 delimbing

see SP-x1-x2 delimbing

SP-11-21 pre-skidding of full trees with animals

After felling, trees are pre-skidded to a strip road using animals, and most commonly draught horses. Different breeds are available in different regions, but the most popular are heavy breeds like French Percherons, Belgian Ardennes, or Italian TPR.



  • Capacity to work in dense stands and narrow corridors, inaccessible to mechanical vehicles.
  • Capacity to handle soft or steep terrain (provided extraction proceeds downhill).
  • Very low soil and stand impacts, because the animal has neither the size nor the power of a machine, and therefore it can never resort to brute force against an obstacle, but it must rather use brains and technique.
  • Safety for the operator, who can control the horse at a distance through voice commands.
  • Comfort for the operator, who is spared noise, vibration, exhaust gases, heavy cable pulls and tiresome walks on uphill grades (since he can ride the horse if the walk is too hard).
  • Competitive cost on intermediate pulls (between 50 and 100 m), which are too long for direct winching and too short for cost-effective cable yarding.

Limitations, thresholds

  • The system is suitable for young trees only, as obtained from first and second thinnings, or to coppice harvesting operations. The size of older trees is generally too large for an animal to move them without preliminary delimbing and crosscutting
  • Distance must not exceed 200 m. Best results are obtained on shorter distances, between 25 and 100 m.
  • Extraction must proceed on flat terrain or downhill slopes, with a maximum gradient of 50%. Experienced animals and drivers can safely handle steep terrain.
  • Draught animals can only work 5 to 6 hours a day.  Operators working longer hours generally keep two animals and rotate them.

Main use

  • Animal pre-skidding is still competitive with other mechanized pre-skidding systems (winches, mini-skidders etc.), but it is rarely used in industrialized countries, where it remains a specialist niche. The reason is in the small numbers of horse loggers, ready to accept the constant commitment imposed by animal care.

Economic suitability

  • system costs without personal costs: 10,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 45,00 Euro/h
  • cross-cutting if volume/tree exceeds 0,4 m
  • regression line minutes per log
    • b0 = 3
    • b1 (tree volume) = 10
    • b2 (pre-skidding distance) = 0,025

Ecological suitability:


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: very heavy and dangerous manual work -> E1


Baigent C. 1984. Clydesdale logging. LIRO Technical Release 6, 4 pp.

De Paul M., Bailly M. 2005. À propos de la pression exercée par les pneus, chenilles et sabots. Forêt Wallonne 78: 21-33.

De Paul M., Lombaerde F., Jourez B. 2006. Approche économique du cheval en forêt. Forêt Wallonne 81: 15-25.

Harstela P., Tervo L. 1981 Bunching of timber by winches and horse. Folia Forestalia 466, 20 pp. In Finnish.

Hedman L. 1987. Tools and equipment for horse logging. Small Scale For 1: 10-17.

Hedman L. 1988. Skidding with horse to strip road. Small Scale For 2: 15-19.

Leinert S. 1979 Einsatz veraltungseingener pferde beim vorrücken von schwachholz. Forsttechnische Informationen 1: 4-6.

Magagnotti N., Spinelli R. 2011 Integrating animal and mechanical operations in protected areas. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 32: 489-499.

Magagnotti N., Spinelli R. 2011 Financial and energy cost of low-impact wood extraction in environmentally sensitive areas. Ecological Engineering 37: 601-606.

McNamara D, Kaufman J. 1985. Can horses compete with tractors? State of California, For. Dept., Sacramento, CA. For. Note 95, 7 p.

Pynn L. 1991. Logging with horse power. Can Geogr 3: 31-35.

Shresta S, Rummer R, Dubois M. 2005 Utilization and cost of log production from animal logging operations. Int J For Eng 16: 167-180

Shresta S, Lanford B., Rummer R, Dubois M. 2008 Soil disturbances from horse/mule logging operations coupled with machines in the Southern United States. Int J For Eng 19: 17-23

Schroll E. (Editor) 2008 Holzrücken mit pferden – Handbuch für die waldarbeit mit pferden. Starke Pferde Verlag, Lemgo, Germany. In German.

Snoeck B. 2000. Ces chevaux « qui traînent au bois ».  Forêt Wallonne 46: 12-23.

Thérer Y. 2006. Situation du débardage au cheval en Région Wallonne, enquête auprès de débardeurs. Forêt Wallonne 82: 18-27.

Toms C., Dubois M., Bliss J., Wilhoit J., Rummer B. 2001 A survey of animal-powered logging in Alabama. South J Appl For 25: 17-24


SP-11-21 pre-skidding of full trees with tractor winch

Pre-skidding of full trees from the felling site to the strip road with a winch that is mounted or attached to a tractor. 



  • extraction over long distance without driving on the ground 
  • extracting in steep terrain (uphill)
  • bringing trees to a site where machines for delimbing and cross-cutting can operate

Limitations, threshold

  • distance limited by the length of the cable, often more than 100 m
  • distance limited by the weight of the cable that must be pulled by the worker, so on flat terrain not more than 50 m, downhill wider distances are possible
  • cable cannot be pulled uphill, therefore no downhill extraction over longer distance 

Main use

  • in stands where fully mechanized methods are not applicable due to ground conditions, tree species (large broadleaf trees, e.g.)
  • with wider distance of trails, where trees must be pulled into the reach of the crane of a machine
  • in combination with extraction by means of a tractor 

Economic suitability

Winching performance depends on many factors, but mostly on extraction distance and tree size.

However, extraction distance and tree size have the strongest effect on cycle time, productivity and pre-skidding cost.

  • When pre-skidding distance increases from 20 to 60 m (i.e. triples), then productivity decreases between 40 and 70% and pre-skidding cost increases up to 2.5 times. The effect of pre-skidding distance is stronger with smaller tree volumes.
  • When tree volume increases from 0.1 to 1 m3 (i.e. factor 10), then productivity increases between 50 and 180% and pre-skidding cost  decreases between 33 and 66%. The effect of tree volume is stronger on shorter distances.

  • machine costs without personal costs: 10,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 80,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 1
    • b1 (depending on tree volume) = 3
    • b2 (depending on pre-skidding distance) = 0,15

Since winch pre-skidding is extremely sensitive to distance, it should be used on very short distances, only. If tree volume is large enough, then one can obtain acceptable results also on medium distances, up to 50 m.

Ecological suitability



Social suitability

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3


Dekking J. 1984 Goliat, a small tractor with tracks. IEA/FE/CPC7 Report, 17 pp.

Dunnigan J. 1993 Braided KevlarTM Cable: Trials in Skidding Wood With an ATV. Field Note FN-022. FERIC. Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada.

Ewing R. 2001 Use of a portable capstan winch and associated hand tools in manual thinning. FERIC Advantage Reports, 28: 4 p.

Ewing R. 2003 Harvesting riparian zones using cable skidders equipped with Spectra synthetic-fibre mainlines. FERIC Advantage Reports, 20: 6 p.

Harstela P., Tervo L. 1981 Bunching of timber by winches and horse. Folia Forestalia 466, 20 pp. In Finnish.

Hill S. 1991 D4H tractor and towed arch in radiate clearfell. LIRA Report 16, 8. 4 p.

Horvat D, Spinelli R, Šušnjar M. 2005 Resistance coefficients on ground-based winching of timber. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 30: 3-11

Leek N. 1976 Bunching with Radiotir 740 in thinnings. Nederlands Bosbouw Tijdschrift 48: 151-157.

Magagnotti N., Spinelli R. 2012 Replacing steel cable with synthetic rope to reduce operator workload during log winching operations. Small Scale Forestry 11: 223-236.

Picchio R., Magagnotti N., Sirna A., Spinelli R. 2012 Improved winching technique to reduce logging damage. Ecological Engineering 47: 83-86.

Prebble R. 1986. Evaluation of the Logquip smart arch. LIRA Report 11, 5. 4 p.

Pritchard N. 1986. The Logquip smart arch for small crawler tractors. LIRA Report 8. 4 p.

Ryans M. 1980 Evaluation of the Agri-Winch: a farm tractor-mounted logging winch. FERIC Tech. Rep. TR41. 18 p.

Spinelli R, Magagnotti N 2012 Wood extraction with farm tractor and sulky: estimating productivity, cost and energy consumption. Small-scale Forestry 11: 73-85.

TDB 2002 ATC timber sulky. Information Note ODW 9.04, Ae Village, UK. 5 p.

 Turner T., Huyler N. Bousquet D. 1988 Farm Tractor Skidding Costs in Relation to Profitability of a Fuelwood Harvesting System. Nort.h J Appli For 5: 207-210

Vaughan L. 1988 Thinning with small crawler tractors. LIRA Report 13, 26. 6 p.

Zeĉić Z., Krpan A., Vukuŝić S. 2005 Productivity of Holder 870 tractor with double drum winch Igland 4002 in thinning beech stands. Croatian J For Eng 26: 49-56.


SP-11-31 pre-skidding and skidding of full trees with a tractor

Felled trees are pulled to a trail by means of a tractor winch and collected; when some full trees are collected, the tractor extracts them to the forest road and unloads alongside the road.



  • due to the cable, the area from which full trees can be extracted, is large
  • capable for steep terrain (pre-skidding uphill)

Limitations. thresholds

  • extraction length of the cable limited by the human power, maximum 50 m
  • damage caused by the full trees

Main use

  • small scale forestry with own tractors

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 65,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 135,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 4,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,005

Ecological suitability:


Social suitability:

  • S-class: unloading full trees on forest road -> S3
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3

SP-11-31 pre-skidding and skidding of full trees with yarder

Full trees are moved to a landing (roadside landing, landing pad etc.) suspended under a carriage that runs on a cable (skyline). In a limited corridor tress can be pre-skid to the skyline as well before they are extracted. 
Different types and configurations are available (live, standing, running skyline, self-propelled carriage, swing 
yarders - carriages with cable or grapple).


  • capable of working in steep terrain
  • less soil disturbance than for ground-based
  • capable of pre-skidding loads (drop line)
  • can work with limited road network
Limitations, thresholds
  • Relatively long set-up and dismantle time
  • Fixed set-up and dismantle time require relative intensive removal (ca. 0.5-1 m3/ m line)
  • High planning effort
  • Requires high operator skill
Main use
  • Mountain operations
  • Alpine forestry
  • Developing on soft terrain as reduced-impact alternative to ground-based extraction

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 100,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 3
  • in total: 205,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 1,0
    • b1 (load volume) = 0,5
    • b2 (logging distance) = 0,015
  • plus costs for installation and dismantle of the cable system

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: unloading full trees on forest road -> S3
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3


Spinelli R.,  Marchi E., Visser R., Harrill H., Gallo R., Cambi M., Neri F., Lombardini C., Magagnotti N. (2017) The effect of carraige type on yarding productivity and cost. International Journal of Forest Engineering - Accepted paper.

Spinelli R., Magagnotti N., Visser R. (2015) Productivity models for cable yarding in Alpine forests. European Journal of Forest Engineering 1, p. 9-14.

Spinelli, R., Magagnotti, N. (2011) The effects of introducing modern technology on the financial, labour and energy performance of forest operations in the Italian Alps. Forest Policy and Economics, 13 (7), pp. 520-524.

Huyler, N., LeDoux, C., 1997. Cycle-time equation for the Koller K300 cable yarder operating on steep slopes in the Northeast. Res. Pap. NE-705, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station 4 p.

Senturk, N., Ozturk, T., Demir, M., 2007. Productivity and costs in the course of timber transportation with the Koller K300 cable system in Turkey. Building and Environment 42: 2107-2113.

Stampfer, K., Visser, R., Kanzian, C., 2006. Cable corridor installation times for European yarders. International Journal of Forest Engineering 17: 71-77.

Zimbalatti, G., Proto, A., 2009. Cable logging opportunities for firewood in Calabrian forests. Biosystems Engineering 102: 63-68.





SP-12-13 cross-cutting

see SP-x2-x3 cross-cutting

SP-12-22 pre-skidding of tree lengths with a horse

After felling, delimbing, and topping, tree lengths are pre-skidded to a strip road using animals, and most commonly draught horses. Different breeds are available in different regions, but the most popular are heavy breeds like French Percherons, Belgian Ardennes, or Italian TPR.



  • Capacity to work in dense stands and narrow corridors, inaccessible to mechanical vehicles.
  • Capacity to handle soft or steep terrain (provided extraction proceeds downhill).
  • Very low soil and stand impacts, because the animal has neither the size nor the power of a machine, and therefore it can never resort to brute force against an obstacle, but it must rather use brains and technique.
  • Safety for the operator, who can control the horse at a distance through voice commands.
  • Comfort for the operator, who is spared noise, vibration, exhaust gases, heavy cable pulls and tiresome walks on uphill grades (since he can ride the horse if the walk is too hard).
  • Competitive cost on intermediate pulls (between 50 and 100 m), which are too long for direct winching and too short for cost-effective cable yarding.

Limitations, thresholds:

  • The system is suitable for young trees only, as obtained from first and second thinnings, or to coppice harvesting operations. The size of older trees is generally too large for an animal to move them without preliminary crosscutting
  • Distance must not exceed 200 m. Best results are obtained on shorter distances, between 25 and 100 m.
  • Extraction must proceed on flat terrain or downhill slopes, with a maximum gradient of 50%. Experienced animals and drivers can safely handle steep terrain.
  • Draught animals can only work 5 to 6 hours a day.  Operators working longer hours generally keep two animals and rotate them.

Main use

  • Animal pre-skidding is still competitive with other mechanized pre-skidding systems (winches, mini-skidders etc.), but it is rarely used in industrialized countries, where it remains a specialist niche. The reason is in the small numbers of horse loggers, ready to accept the constant commitment imposed by animal care.

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 10,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 45,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes pre log
    • b0 = 3,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 8,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,025

Ecological suitability:

  • Ecogram 


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E1


SP-12-22 pre-skidding of tree lengths with tractor winch

Felled and delimbed tree lengths are pulled to the trail with a cable winch that is mounted or attached to a tractor. 




  • extraction over long distance without driving on the ground 
  • extracting in steep terrain (uphill)
  • bringing trees to a site where machines for delimbing and cross-cutting can operate
  • Compared with full trees, tree-lengths offer less resistance to drag and are easier to move within the stand
  • Compared with full trees, no nutrient removal

Limitations, threshold

  • distance limited by the length of the cable, often more than 100 m
  • distance limited by the weight of the cable that must be pulled by the worker, so on flat terrain not more than 50 m, downhill wider distances are possible
  • cable cannot be pulled uphill, therefore no downhill extraction over longer distance 

Main use

  • in stands where fully mechanized methods are not applicable due to ground conditions, tree species (large broadleaf trees, e.g.)
  • with wider distance of trails, where trees must be pulled into the reach of the crane of a machine
  • in combination with extraction by means of a tractor 

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 60,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 130,00 Euro/h
  • regression line time per tree
    • b0 = 4,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,1

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3

SP-12-32 mechanized pre-skidding and skidding of tree lengths with skidder

Tree-lengths are dragged to the landing by a tractor equipped with a single or double-drum winch. The winch is used for assembling the load and for pre-skidding the tree-lengths to the skid trail if necessary.



  • Independent pre-skidding and extraction capacity in one unit
  • Can operate on steep terrain, if skid trails are available at a suitable spacing
  • Can work in small lots if skidder is road legal
Limitations, thresholds
  • Slow (pre-skidding)
  • Need an assistant (chokerman) and/or the driver needs to leave the cab (uncomfortable)
  • Limited load capacity
Main use
  • Mountain operations
  • Small-scale forestry
  • Traditional extraction method when crosscutting should not be done before reaching the forest road (or the customer)

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 65,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 135,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 4,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,005

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:

  • S-class: unloading tree length on the road -> S3
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3


Logging arch study for farm tractors - Merlo study etc.


SP-12-32 mechanized pre-skidding and skidding of tree lengths with yarder

Full trees are moved to a landing (roadside landing, landing pad etc.) suspended under a carriage that runs on a cable (skyline). Different types and configurations are available (live, standing, running skyline, self-propelled carriage, swing yarders - carriages with cable or grapple)


  • capable of working in steep terrain
  • less soil disturbance than for ground-based
  • capable of pre-skidding loads (drop line)
  • can work with limited road network
  • minimum of operations on the working site (safety)
Limitations, thresholds
  • Relatively long set-up and dismantle time
  • Fixed set-up and dismantle time require relative intensive removal (ca. 0.5-1 m3/ m line)
  • High planning effort
  • Requires high operator skill
Main use
  • Mountain operations
  • Alpine forestry
  • Developing on soft terrain as reduced-impact alternative to ground-based extraction

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 100,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 3
  • in total: 205,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 1,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 0,5
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,015
  • plus time for set-up and dismantle

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: unloading tree length on the road -> S3
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3



SP-13-23 manual pre-skidding of logs with animal

Short logs can be pre-skidded (dragged) by draught horses or mules



  • Capacity to deal with almost any terrain conditions 
  • Limited impact
Limitations, thresholds
  • Short distance only
  • Animals need training and constant care
  • Low productivity
  • Only works with relatively small and short logs that are within the weight capacity of animal power
Main use
  • Small scale forestry

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 10,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 45,00 Euro/h
  • max. 0,4 m3 per log
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 3,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 8,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,025

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E1

mules – see coppice database, manual, chutes- see coppice database



SP-13-23 manual pre-skidding of short logs

Short logs can be moved manually by workers by throwing them downhill, or sliding them with the use of sappies or chutes.



  • Limited (or no) investment for manual sliding
  • Capacity to deal with almost any terrain conditions 
  • Limited impact
Limitations, thresholds
  • Short distance only
  • Downhill if sliding or throwing 
  • Very low productivity
  • Only works with relatively small and short logs that are within the weight capacity of human power
Main use
  • Small scale forestry 

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 0,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 35,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • max. load per cycle 0,1
    • b0 = 2,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0 
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,025

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E1



SP-13-23 mechanized pre-skidding of short logs

When trees are cross-cut at the felling site, the logs must be pre-skidded to the trail separately. This is only rational when the weight of the tree length is too high. For example, the basic log can be separated from the rest of the stem before pre-skidding.     



  • low weights, lower damage in the stand
Limitations, thresholds
Main use
  • Small scale forestry
  • simple, light machines

Economic suitability:

Minutes per cycle


  • machine costs without personal costs: 60,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 130,00 Euro/h
  • regression line time per tree
    • b0 = 4,0
    • b1 (log volume) =  2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,1

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3


SP-21-22 delimbing

see SP-x1-x2 delimbing

SP-21-23 mechanized processing on the trail

Processor (or harvester) standing on skid road processing the full tree that is laying down in reach of feeding device. The processing includes measuring, forecasting dimension, suggesting assortments, delimbing and cross-cutting. 


  • High productivity, low price (if fully utilized)
  • Low danger, low ergonomic injuries
Limitations, thresholds
  • Good for coniferous trees with straight stems
  • Limited with bigger, crooked or broadleaves trees
Main use
  • On accessible skidroads
  • Coniferous trees, younger broadleaves trees
  • Distance of skid roads > 2x reach of crane

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 160,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 195,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: automatic machine work, moderate -> E5


SP-21-31 mechanized skidding of full tree with grapple skidder

Full trees are dragged to the roadside landing by a machine that uses a grapple to collect the trees.


  • very fast loading and unloading
  • no need to have an assistant to hook the loads
  • no need for the operator to leave the cab
  • by chains also possible on softer soils
Limitations, thresholds
  • trees need to be pre-bunched for the system to be efficient
  • smaller payload than for a clambunk or a forwarder
  • high speed and many repetitive cycles are heavy on the operator
Main use
  • plantation forestry (grapple-skidders on pre-bunched trees)

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 80,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 115,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 2,5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,01 

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:


SP-21-31 mechanized skidding of full trees with skidder

Full trees are dragged to the roadside landing by a tractor (dedicated skidder, crawler, forestry fitted farm tractor) using chains or cable.


  • It does not require to process the trees in the forest
  • simple machine and procedure
  • it can drag long loads
  • high speed
Limitations, thresholds
  • It requires large landings or a separate loader
  • needs skid trail in dense stands and or on steep terrain
  • relatively small payload
  • high speed and many repetitive cycles are heavy on the operator
  • aggressive on the soil (esp. crawlers in steep terrain)
  • operator needs to leave the cab and re-enter the cab twice per cycle, unless an assistant is available to do so (uncomfortable)

Main use
  • mountain operations
  • when we are not able to run a harvester-forwarder system and want to mechanize at roadside by processor (or chipper)

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 40,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 110,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1
    • B2 (skidding distance) = 0,01

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:

  • S-class: unloading full trees on the road -> S3
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3

graph from Ecotrac study and Rien's lesson (re-conduce  everything to tree size m3 on the x-axis, then different lines for different distances and maybe one graph for small skidder and one for large skidder)


SP-21-31 skidding of full tree with clam-bunk skidder

Full trees are skidded with their butts resting on the rear axle of the skidder, while tree tops drag on the ground. The butts are retained on top of the rear axle by an inverted grapple (clambunk) and placed on that grapple using a hydraulic loader.


  • Much reduced friction, soil disturbance and contamination
  • larger loads can be assembled, than it would be possible with a cable or grapple skidder
Limitations, thresholds
  • Large machine, very heavy and expensive
  • limited maneuverability, clumsy
Main use
  • Plantation forestry
  • Boreal forests on solid ground
  • Whenever long assortments need to be produced, and logs cannot be cut short (conversion kits for forwarders and skidder available)
  • Costs per m3 depending on tree volume

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 90,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 125,00 Euro/h
  • regression line time per tree
    • b0 = 0,0
    • b1 (load volume) = 2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,01

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:


SP-21-34 mechanized chipping of full trees on the trail

Full trees that are laid down alongside the trail are chipped by a self-propelled chipper or a tractor powered chipper with terrain capability. Chips are blown into an integral bin and then transferred to a chip shuttle (forwarder-based) or into a bin trailer, towed by the same tractor or by an accompanying tractor.



  • Trees are compacted into chips as early as possible to accrue all advantages of bulk density reduction and "fluidization"
  • Minimum tree handling
  • Minimum contamination
Limitations, thresholds
  • Needs suitable terrain conditions
  • Expansive machinery
  • Potential for interaction delays in the chipper-shuttle interface
  • Temptation to use the integral bin as a chip-forwarder (only on a very short distances)
Main use
  • Danish forestry – thinning there is very effective

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 120,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 190,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,2
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,03

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:


Check Waterford studies


SP-22-23 cross-cutting

see SP-x2-x3 cross-cutting

SP-22-32 mechanized skidding of tree lengths with clam-bunk skidder

Tree lengths that are pre-skidded to the trail are skidded to the forest road using a clam-bunk skidder. This includes: loading the trees with the crane into the clam-bunk, skidding them to forest road, storing them alongside road or a landing.


  • compared with full trees you can build bigger loads (about 30%)
  • compared with skidder, the driver can remain in the cabin
  • high productivity    
Limitations, thresholds
  • Large machine, very heavy and expensive
  • limited maneuverability, clumsy
Main use

  • Traditional extraction method when crosscutting should not be done before reaching the forest road (or the customer)
  • high extraction volume like clear-cuts or wind-throws

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 90,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 125,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,01

Ecological suitability


Social suitability


Logging arch study for farm tractors - Merlo study etc.


SP-22-32 mechanized skidding of tree lengths with skidder

Tree lengths that are pre-skidded to the trail are skidded to the forest road. This includes: setting chokers on several tree-lengths to optimize the load, skidding them to forest road, storing them alongside road or a landing.


  • High productivity because of high mass/load
  • Versatile machine, esp. if farm-tractor based (farm work, snow work, transportation etc.)
  • Relatively cheap machine
  • Independent relocation if road-legal
Limitations, thresholds
  • Damages in remaining stand at curves
  • Damage to ground (rutting)
  • Damage and dirt on logs
Main use
  • Extraction method when crosscutting should not be done before reaching the forest road (or the customer)
  • Very common method in broadleaved trees

Economic suitability

Minutes per cycle


  • machine costs without personal costs: 40,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 110,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 3,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,01

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: unloading tree length on the road -> S3
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3

SP-23-33 mechanized forwarding of short logs with forwarder

Picking up logs that are stored alongside skid road, normally separating different assortments, forwarding them to forest road, unloading. 



Limitations, thresholds
  • Trafficability of forest ground:
    • several passes
    • high ground pressure
    • velocity and starting/slowing down in high frequency
Main use
  • Standard on trafficable stand and ground

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 90,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 125,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 (loading, unloading) = 0,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 4,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,003

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:


SP-23-33 mechanized forwarding of short logs with tractor and trailer

Picking up logs that are stored alongside skid road, normally separating different assortments, only forwarding together in order to utilize the trailer, transporting to forest road, unloading.



  • Cheaper trailer combined with farm tractor, that can be utilized in better way
  • Tractor and trailer is faster than forwarder on roads and in road-legal in many countries – intermediate and short distance transportation
Limitations, thresholds
Main use
  • As combination in private forests, where tractor is used in diverse ways

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 75,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 110,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 (loading, unloading) = 0,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 6,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,005

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:


SP-23-34 mechanized chipping of residues on the trail

Logs are chipped by a self-propelled chipper or a tractor-powered chipper, fed by a loader. Chips are blown into an integral bin, a bin trailer, towed by the same tractor or by an accompanying machine. The most effective team is that composed by a self-propelled chipper with integral loader and bin and a chip-shuttle (forwarder-based eg. Silvatec)


  • May facilitate replanting in clearcuts
  • Reduction of fuel loads
  • Chips are very clean, as the wood is not dragged and contaminated
  • Machines can move on a brash mat
Limitations, thresholds
  • Nutrient removal
  • Possible small volume concentration
  • Low product quality
  • Low productivity of terrain chippers compared with roadside chippers
  • More terrain traffic with heavier units
  • The interface between chipper and chip-shuttle can cause substantial interaction delays
Main use
  • Nordic countries
  • Poplar plantations

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 120,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 2
  • in total: 190,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes pre tree
    • b0 = 0,2
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,03

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: simple machine work, heavy and dangerous -> E3


Spinelli & Hartsough 2001, Spinelli & Magagnotti 2010, and many more


SP-31-32 delimbing

see SP-x1-x2 delimbing

SP-31-33 mechanized processing on the forest road

Processor (or harvester) standing on forest road and processing the skidded full trees, which are stored.


  • Very high productivity
  • Perfect working site for driver
  • Opportunity to recover biomass at low cost

Limitations, thresholds
  • Storage place very quickly is full
  • Therefore often together with any forwarder
  • Risk for soil nutrient depletion 
Main use
  • Where full trees are stored at forest road
  • = at windthrow or at cable ways
  • Standard option for modern cable-yarding operations

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 160,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 195,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,7

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:


SP-31-34 mechanized chipping of full trees at forest road

Full trees are chipped at a roadside landing


  • At the roadside, one can use very large and powerful chipper that will offer the highest productivity and lowest cost
  • More biomass is recovered (~20-30%) compared with chipping logs
Limitations, thresholds
  • Whole-tree chips are lower quality than chips obtained from delimbed logs, in terms of: particle size distribution, ash content; storage capacity
  • The roadside landing must be large enough to accommodate the chipper, the accompanying chipvan and the stacks to be chipped.
  • Stacks should not be contaminated during extraction and/or piling
Main use
  • Most chipping operations are conducted at roadside.
  • Whole trees are chipped when the quality of the stem (size, form, species) is not suitable for the cost-effective recovery of higher-value products
  • in combination with cable yarder

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 200,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 235,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,2
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0

Ecological suitability


Social suitability


Eliasson, L., Von Hofsten, H., Johannesson, T., Spinelli, R., Tierfelder, T., 2015: Effects of sieve size on chipper productivity, fuel consumption and chip size distribution for open drum chippers. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 36: 11-17.


SP-32-33 cross-cutting

see SP-x2-x3 cross-cutting

SP-32-34 mechanized chipping of tree lengths at forest road

Tree lengths that are stored at the forest road are chipped. 



  • At the roadside, one can use very large and powerful chipper that will offer the highest productivity and lowest cost
  • Better quality than chipping of full trees
Limitations, thresholds
  • The roadside landing must be large enough to accommodate the chipper, the accompanying chipvan and the stacks to be chipped.
  • Stacks should not be contaminated during extraction and/or piling
Main use
  • Most chipping operations are conducted at roadside.

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 200,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 235,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,2
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0

Ecological suitability


Social suitability


SP-33-34 mechanized chipping of short logs at forest road

Logs are chipped from stacks piled at the roadside. The work can be done  with any chipper, in any configurations. Chips can be discharged directly onto trucks, onto tractor- trailers or on the ground. Surge bins can also be used



  • At the roadside, one can use very large and powerful chipper that will offer the highest productivity and lowest cost
  • Logs are the best feedstock for producing high quality chips
Limitations, thresholds
  • The roadside landing must be large enough to accommodate the chipper, the accompanying chipvan and the stacks to be chipped.
  • Stacks should not be contaminated during extraction and/or piling
Main use
  • Most chipping operations
  • Chipping is more productive if performed at a roadside landing than in the stand because the material is more concentrated and one can use a larger machine

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 200,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 235,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,1
    • b1 (tree volume) = 1,0

Ecological suitability


Social suitability:


SP-x1-x2 manual delimbing

Limbs are to be cut by axe or comparable knives: with one cut the branch should be separated - therefore more suitable for younger trees and conifer species 


  • Dynamic work as contrast to static, noisy and vibrating work with chainsaw
  • Easy done by workers who did not have experience with chainsaw
  • Low investment
  • Low/no relocation cost
Limitations, thresholds
  • Diameter of branch max 3 cm ?
  • No. of branches, best if only few branches per tree
  • Heavy physical effort/workload
Main use
  • At first thinning in regions with low wage levels

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 0,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 35,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 4,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 10,0 

Ecological suitability

  • Ecogram

Social suitability

  • S-class: 
    • in the stand or on the trail no contact with the forest road -> S5
    • processing on the forest road -> S2 
  • E-class: manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E1


SP-x1-x2 motor-manual delimbing

When the tree is felled (lays on ground) the limbs are cut from bottom to top. Three methods: 2 whorls at a time, whorl by whorl, and in the crown from top to the side. When finished turn the log and work the other side



  • High efficiency
  • High work quality (No risk for roller damage, flush cut of branches, better measuring under difficult stem conditions etc.)
  • Low investment
  • Low relocation cost
Limitations, thresholds

  • Open space for standpoint of the worker needed
  • Danger to hit legs and shoes with chainsaw
  • Danger to injure the legs and feet
  • Static strain on backbone
  • Heavy effort/cardio workload
  • Low productivity
Main use

  • Delimbing broad-leaved trees
  • Delimbing conifer trees where no processor/harvester is able to do a good job

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 4,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 39,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 2
    • b1 (tree volume) = 10

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: 
    • in the stand or on the trail no contact with the forest road -> S5
    • processing on the forest road -> S2 
  • E-class: motor-manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E2


SP-x2-x3 motor-manual cross-cutting

After measuring and decision where the optimal cuts have to be set, the trunk is cut into 2 or more pieces, (nearly) each of them marketable assortment.



  • To separate assortments, lend them to different customers
  • Enable collecting machines (like forwarder) to collect , lower damage in stand and on soil
Limitations, thresholds
Main use
  • Separating logs to different assortments
  • On skid road = separate forwarding
  • On forest road=separate storage
  • Poplar plantations in Italy (buyer-marked)
  • High-value assortment production, customer-driven grading (veneer)

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 4,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 39,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 5,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 3,5

Ecological suitability

  • Ecogram 

Social suitability

  • S-class:
    • in the stand or on the trail no contact with the forest road -> S5
    • processing on the forest road -> S2
  • E-class: motor-manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E2


Standard method

If a working method is recognized to be a good solution for a certain task, it can be upraised as standard. For a standard method, the tools, machines, working steps, inputs and outputs are described in detail as well as the operational method of the worker. So, by naming the standard all persons have a common view of the process that should be performed. This is also the basis for education: since everything is standardized, the standard method can be explained and trained very well.

In former times we called it “best practice” – but this word puts into mind that it should never be modified. Standard, in contrast, has the implication that it defines the direction and the goal, but can be adapted to the acute situation if needed.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E03)


Standard methods

under certain conditions.

T-classes 1-3, P-classes 1 and 2: At stands with temporary trails or permanent trials with 20 m spacing, the fully mechanized ctl-method is best for coniferous trees and for young broadleaf trees, too.

T-classes 1-3, P-class 3: Where the 40 m trail spacing is adopted, the almost fully mechanized ctl-method with auxiliary felling by chainsaw sets the standard.

T-classes 1-3, P-class 4: At wider trail spacing, which happens mainly in valuable broadleaf stands, partly mechanized tree length methods are preferred.

T-classes 4 and 5, all P-classes or all T-classes, but P-class 5: Outside trafficable areas, methods that use the yarder for extraction set the standard.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D05)


Strain at work

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact any body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. For example, when you push a wooden stick that is fixed at one end from the side (= stress), it will get bowed (= strain). When we release the stress, the stick will become straight again. This means that the strain will release, too.

But if the stress exceeds a certain threshold, the strain can overcome the resistance of the stick, so that it will break. This limit to damage defines the maximum stress that the wooden stick can bear.

When we transfer this simple model to working conditions, it must be modified in a couple of points.

On the stress side, standard methods have a typical stress. But on the strain side, people are individuals:

They have different attributes like gender, age, height, weight, power… In practical life, these attributes are regarded to be invariable.

Everybody has his individual abilities and strengths. The same job that is easy for somebody can be difficult for another person; we say that the first person is more talented for this job than the other one.

Most jobs require a certain technique. Skilled persons can reach results that will never be possible for unskilled persons.

These three factors together – attributes, abilities and skills -form the capability of the person. If their capability fits the demands of the standard method, the strain is low. If not, strain will keep accumulating…

But due to organic reasons like health, conditioning, tiredness, hunger and time of the day, the strength can vary. We call that: disposition. On the other side, motivation also has an important influence on. Both together are called: readiness for work.

While capability is the potential of any given person, readiness is the percentage of that potential actually activated.

When the worker can manage his workload independently, he can find the right pace to keep strain at an acceptable level.But sometimes the strain exceeds that level. For example, when the worker is pushed to reach a certain performance that is beyond his long-term capacity or when he is so motivated that he does not realize that he is overreaching.

Then the strain will accumulate.

To remain with our simple model above, we look for a permanent work loadthat can be coped with on a day-by-day basis until the worker retires. If the actual strain momentarily exceeds this permanent load, it will not be a problem. In real life, this happens very often. It can even improve the training and exercise (conditioning). But at the end of the day there should be a balance between periods of excessive strain and periods of lower strain (recovery). Otherwise, overload will accumulate and result in damage.

Based on this model, there are various possibilities to lower the strain. It is up to the manager to combine them in the best possible way, by:

-       providing enough time for breaks adequate to the type and quantity of strain (recovery);

-       encouraging physical and psychological fitness through proper exercise and diet (conditioning);

-       creating ideal working conditions to increase readiness

-       adapting work assignments to the physical and psychological capacity of each worker;

-       the ultimate measure is to assign tasks and to adjust the workloads according to each worker’s individual capacity.

But when we have different technical options for performing a certain job, we should prefer the option that fits best the capacity of the available workers.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E04)


Strategical level

Originally the term "strategy" has been used in military and means leading a large army. Today the term is adapted to civil needs and means decisions that create potential for action in the future. 

In our context of forest operations, the person, who is responsible for strategical decisions (a forest district officer, e.g.), decides about investments in tools, machines and workforce. His job is to develop the resources that are necessary to solve any future problems.

(see more in TDiv PR1-A05)


Stress and strain

Ergonomics follows a very simple basic model that derives from physics: When you impact any body with a certain stress, the body will react with a corresponding strain. For example, when you push a wooden stick that is fixed at one end from the side (= stress), it will get bowed (= strain). When we release the stress, the stick will become straight again. This means that the strain will release, too.

But if the stress exceeds a certain threshold, the strain can overcome the resistance of the stick, so that it will break. This limit to damage defines the maximum stress that the wooden stick can bear.

When we transfer this simple model to working conditions, it must be modified in a couple of points.

On the stress side, the working method is connected with typical stresses. For example at motor-manual processing: The chainsaw produces noise and vibration, has toxic emissions and is very dangerous. The natural working site can be heavy and dangerous, and the social relations with colleagues and superiors may cause stress, too. This stress seems very complex.

But social stress from group dynamics normally has nothing to do with the standard work method and pertains to social science, not ergonomics... And stress coming from the natural environment causes a percentual scaling of the stress that is connected with the working method as such. So, the composition of stress is very typical for this specific working method. Thus: Without knowing how the stressing factors are combined and how they work together, the complex stress is typical for this standard method and can be assessed by expert opinion.  

The simple model that we had above feigns that the stress of a standard method will permanently cause the same strain for the worker. But here the reality is much more complex, too, because all workers are different concerning attributes, health, conditions etc.  

(See more under TDiv PR1-E03)


Suitability, ecological

Suitability, ecological see ecological suitability

Suitability, economic

Suitability, economic see economic suitability


Suitability, social

Suitability, social see social suitability

System costs

When we sell timber on the market, we receive the price of the logs. But we also invest some money to harvest the trees and transport the logs. So only the difference between price and costs, the net income, is available for the company's profit.

Let us assume here, that the price only depends on the qualitative and quantitative attributes of the harvest. Thus, the income mostly is influenced by the system costs. To maximize the income, we need to minimize the total system costs.

Since most harvesting processes are composed by two or more sub-processes, the costs of a total process are given by the sum of the costs of its constituent sub-processes.

But the machines and the operators are charged at an hourly rate. Given this information, we must first calculate the costs per hour. In science, we call this hour PMH15 that means productive machine hour including short interruptions of the work up to 15 minutes. To do this, we use the engineering formula.

In that working hour, the system will process a certain number of products. The ratio between products and time is called system performance. When we know the performance, we can match the costs per hour to the production in order to get the costs per unit of a product.

For timber harvesting, we need to divide the costs per hour by the productivity, that is: m3 per hour.



Machines and employees cost money, whether they work or not. This means that the system will generate a cost even when it is not producing anything. Those additional unproductive times (i.e. more than 15 minutes per hour) and costs that are necessary to production (maintenance, preparation etc.) must also be accounted for. To do this, we add all additional costs and divide them by the total sum of m3 on that specific working site.

Finally the costs of the sub-systems must be added to find the total system costs.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C01)





System costs per hour

System performance

System performance is the productivity of a working system in products per hour. In forest harvesting, normally the products are not indicated by the trees, but by the cubic meters (m3) that are harvested per hour.

The performance of a working system depends very much on the attributes of the working object. Besides the tree species, the dimension of the harvested trees has a high influence to the productivity. In scientific publications about working systems, performance is normally represented by a typical curve (green line):

•       It is low for smaller work objects (in our case: trees)

•       It increases with the work object size according to a non-linear degressive trend.

Some graphs also report time consumption in minutes per cubic meter (red curve). Again, we recognize a typical curve:

•       Time per cubic meter is higher for small trees compared with big ones

•       The trend is degressive.

This system behavior is known as the principle of tree volume. The time to process a given work object increases, but not as much as the volume of the object increases. The problem is that we know this overall trend, but we don’t have the exact parameters case-by-case. This makes prediction difficult and laborious.

In Technodiversity, we suggest a simple solution: Scientific experience has shown that the time consumption per tree depends on its volume according to a typical relationship:

•       The bigger the tree, the longer the time needed

•       The data cloud can be well represented by a linear regression

•       The regression line crosses the y-axis above the origin.

Of course, in scientific case studies different curve types will offer a better fit, but the linear function is fairly good, too, and gives us the chance to get an overall estimation of the performance. This general assumption makes it possible to forecast the system performance even with very few data points.

Provided that we can accept the linear approximation, we can describe the relationship between time per tree and tree size with the equation just below:

The time ti is composed by two summands:

bis the fixed time required for processing one single tree. It does not depend on the size of the tree. It is typically the time to walk to the tree, clean the area around it etc.

b1 is the time required for processing a single tree. It depends on its size, so we say it is variable. b1 indicates the time consumption at one tree that has exactly the volume of 1 cubic meter. Is the tree smaller, let’s say only 0.5 m3, than the product of b1 times its volume vi is also 0.5 compared with 1 m3.

Given this basic line, the time per m3 is


This curve ti,m3 includes our two independent variables b0 and b1 with the consequence that it looks different for each working system.

Now, dividing 60 min/h by the time consumption ti,m3 we get the performance in m3/h



It shows the typical degressively increasing curve of performance (green):

•       the bigger the average tree the higher the performance per hour

•       but the increment gets less and less.

•       Why do we need to complicate our lives by tracing the process all the way back to the time consumption per tree?

•       Because that way we get to the original source of time consumption.

•       We know that the relationship between time consumption per tree and tree size can be represented by a linear regression with two parameters b0 and b1. Those two parameters contain all the information that we need.

•       To find those parameters, very few time measurements are enough.

•       We can also modify the two parameters of the regression formula for rough forecast purposes:

•       When we see, that in our case the preparation time b0 per tree is higher than normal (because of thornbushes, slippery ground etc.), we can “correct” this parameter with a best estimate.

•       When we know that our operator is quicker than an average operator, we may adapt the parameter b1 to his performance level.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C03)


System productivity

See system performance


T-classes for trafficability

In several countries, there are systems to prevent forest soil from destruction by forest operations. One example is the Saxonian technological map where the soil conditions are divided into 5 trafficability classes.

In Technodiversity, the technogram of a stand as well as the ecogram of harvesting methods have as their x-axis the T-classes. They are seen as crucial criterion how much the soil will react to any technical impact. This is the scientific context of traffic on bare grounds.

As the guiding criterion we take the soil moisture and divide it into 5 trafficability-classes. Dry (T1), fresh (T2), moist (T3), wet (T4) and very wet (T5). These classes correspond with the assessments of soil sciences.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D04)


Tactical level

The term "tactic" originally has been used by military and means the art of best positioning. Today the term is adapted by civil life. Tactical decisions try to make the best using a given, limited pool of instruments.  

In the context of forest operations, persons like local foresters use the available resources in order to solve their practical problems finding an optimal solution. In detail they decide which tools, machines and workforce should be used in concrete situations.

(see more in TDiv PR1-A05)




Technodiversity is a made-up word that 2021 has been selected as the name of a European ERASMUS+ project (project No. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032038). The objective of this project is to point out the diversity of technological solutions in forestry to fulfill the operations under diverse conditions and objectives. Following the principle of biodiversity, the word technodiversity assigns a high value to the variety of solutions and opposes the unified application of standard solutions. The aim of the project is an E-learning course for forest students on master’s level and for decision makers in forestry. This course aims to explain how to select the most suitable harvesting technique for each given case with its specific ecological, economic and societal conditions. It gives to the decision-making process based a transparent path based on clear and objective elements. (See more in lecture TDiv PR1-A01)


Technogram of a forest stand

In Technodiversity, the technogram of the stand is a central element for decision making, which forest harvesting method will fit to the local stand conditions. It has the same structure as the ecogram of the harvesting methods. When both graphs match the methods is well suited for the given stand.

The structure of the technogram is a 5x5 matrix with the T-classes as X-axis and the P-classes as Y-axis. The T-class is given by the natural conditions of the stand.Concerning the P-class, the owner can decide for himself about the value of the stand. The higher the value, the higher the costs for technical actions that he accepts. This represents the idea of “sacrifice”.

As a principle, all 25 fields can be selected.But if the owner decides that for him the value of a forest stand is correlated with its biological productivity, then some combinations of P-classes and T-classes are quite unlikely (i.e., dry and very productive, wet and very productive, moist and not productive). Under this condition, only 16 “fields” are filled up.

Let us take an example:A decision maker sees that the soil in his forest is moist. So, the T-class is fixed at T3. In addition, the stand has a high productivity. He may personally decide that this productivity is so important for him, that he doesn’t want to sacrifice more than 10% of the soil. So, the distance between the trails must not be less than 40 m.In the graph, he localizes this stand at the field T3P3 (see the red ring).

Unfortunately, this is an assessment only for normal weather conditions. In case of a dry weather spell, the moist soil may dry a bit and behave like fresh soil. So, he should move one column left (sun symbol) to T2 “fresh”. And when it has rained for several days (rain symbol), then he moves one column right to T4 “wet”, because the soil, which normally is moist, now behaves like a wet soil. 0During this “movement” the system of opening-up, that is fixed by the P-class, does not change.

Given this technogram, harvesting methods are searched that match it; this is decided by the ecograms of the harvesting methods.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D04)



Technological map

Technological maps have the task to make decisions more operational. For every point they specify the technological conditions and the best method for harvesting, e.g.

In 2006, the state forest of Saxony (North-Eastern Germany) introduced a guideline that aimed to forecast the stress on the soil in order to avoid soil damage in advance by suitable harvesting methods.

This guideline is based on three main information streams:

•       soil moisture

•       inclination of the terrain

•       sensitivity of the soil.

A technological map was developed to make thesethree dimensions transparent for every single stand.

With this map, the user can select a working method that fits best to the local environmental conditions. It is binding for all forest officers in the state forest of Saxony.

This approach has sparked a heated debate, because it demands to enlarge the distance of the trails from 20 to 40 m as far as the soil has a higher sensitivity.

The opponents argue that this will push the harvesting costs without any compensation. So, it prevents earning a decent income in forestry.

This Saxonian approach is very normative and can only work inside a state forest or by law. It seems not to be an adequate solution for the European diversity.

Nevertheless, we like the basic idea to steer the selection of working methods to those ones that minimize the risk of any damage on the trail.

Thus instead, we look for an approach that leaves a maximum of freedom to the decision maker to decide for himself according to the conditions of his region.

Therefore, as a proposal, in Technodiversity we suggest a decision-making tool that combines a technogram of the stand with the ecogram of the working methods.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D04)



The three-step-model of decision-making in forest operations divides the decision-making process into three logical sub-steps:

·      The first step looks for those technical methods that can be able to do the job that is demanded under the given conditions. These methods are mostly defined by the machines, but the decision-maker should be sure that the operators are available, too, and that the necessary infrastructure for support, repairs etc. is there. It can be recommended to look for 3 to 5 options that are as different as possible concerning different machines, different degrees of mechanization… In addition, one more option should be regarded at every decision-making process: the zero-option, say to do nothing and not to fulfil the demanded job at all. This first step is called the functionalization.

·      The second step makes the assessment of all options at the background of the given environment and conditions. We call it localization. The criteria are the economic suitability for the company (effectiveness and efficiency), the ecological suitability for the local environment (ecological compatibility and eco-efficiency), and the social suitability for the local population (societal compatibility and ergonomics). If any option fails under one criterion due to official rules or laws, it must be separated from the further decision-making process.

·      The third step asks for the best option. Since all remaining options follow the rules and laws, the decision-maker is free to select that option that fulfils his individual priorities or preferences in the best way. This selection can be done emotionally without a transparent procedure, so we call this third step individualizing. But there are some decision-making rules that make the way to find the final decision more transparent and reliable.

(See more under TDiv PR1-A04)


Total system costs

Total system costs are a part of the cost calculation. Since most processes are composed by two or more sub-processes, their costs must simply be added, too.

But there are some exceptions. In a case, where one sub-process must wait for another one, the productivity of the total system is defined by the productivity of the slowest sub-process.    

(See more at TDiv PR1-C05)


Tractor winch

A tractor winch is used for pre-skidding full trees, tree length and logs from the stand (buffer 11, 12 or 13) to the trail (buffer 21, 22 or 23). Alternatives are the horse in flat terrain or the mule in steep terrain or the portable winch.

Like the portable winch, the tractor winch reels in or pays out cable. In contrast to the portable winch, the tractor winch is located on a tractor and therefore does not have to be tight to a standing tree to perform its dragging function. Also different from the portable winch, the tractor winch manages to drag more than just one tree length/ full tree/ log out of the stand.

The work with the tractor winch is declared as simple mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photo BOKU)


Tree length method

The tree length method is one of four different functional groups of harvesting methods. The others are fulltree, cut-to-length and chip method.

With the tree length method, two beginnings are possible: (a) Either the tree is delimbed at the felling site and moved as a tree length all the way to the forest road. Or (b) it is felled, pre-skidded to the strip road as a full tree and delimbed there, prior to extraction to the forest road. In both cases, the tree reaches the forest road as a tree length.

Once at the forest road, the tree length can be transported to the factory as such (c), or cross-cut into logs before transport (d) or even chipped at the roadside and transported as chips (e).

(See more at TDiv PR1-B07)


Types of ruts on trails

Due to machine traffic, soils react in different ways to compaction. The Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL (Switzerland) has classified ruts on trails according to three types:

With type 1, we can see small ruts that witness to some degree of compaction, but there are no ridges on the sides. This type of rut is very stable and allows for further passages.

With type 2, ridges appear at the sides of the ruts: they derive from the soil being pushed aside by the wheel. This type is stable, too, but the ridges are a warning that we are close to the limit and must be very careful.

With type 3, new ridges appear that derive from semi-liquid soil flowing out of the ruts. This is a clear indicator that traffic must be stopped.

(See more at TDiv PR1-D03)



Ultimate goal

The Ultimate goal is an overall concept of a company. It has two dimensions:

·      For internal decision-making situations it clarifies priorities or preferences between the economic, ecological and social objectives. Thus, it improves the transparency and operationality of the decision-making process.

·      For external use it explains with simple words the focus how this company sees itself. It can be regarded like a motto that explains the typical behavior of the company.

(See more at PR1-A03)



Utility analysis

This is one option to find the best option. Others are the minimax-rule, monetarization, AHP, and optimality curves, for example. 

This method for decision making is really old (Zangemeister 1973). Here, one common scale of values is used, that is not based on monetary values. Instead, one uses scores like in school. Every criterion must be rated according to those scores.

Next, one gives a weight to every criterion according to its relative importance. The sum of weights should be 1.0

Finally, each score is multiplied by the respective weight and then summed up. The option with the highest score will be the favorite.

Let’s take an example. Here we introduce a value scale with scores that allow a rough assessment like:

  • 9 = very good
  • 7 = good, better than average
  • 5 = expected average
  • 3 = borderline, but not the worst
  • 0 = not acceptable

Then we need some weights for the different criteria. It is easier to weigh the three main pillars first, for example

…and then the two sides of optimality (i.e. effectiveness and efficiency). Multiplying them, you get the weight. In our example we balance effectiveness and efficiency by 50/50 %.

The result is quickly told: again, option 3 CTL (hC winch-assist) wins, option 1 is a bit worst than the zero-option. No option is really bad, but also no option is extraordinarily good (the range of values is between 4.3 and 7.15). This is one of the disadvantages of this method: It equalizes all options near the center.

Scientists do not rate this analytical method too high, because it has a couple of mathematical bugs, that make it unscholarly. One of the most relevant critics at the utility analysis is, that it uses mathematical operations that are not rational. In particular, the scores 0-9 are data on an ordinary scale, which only knows “more”, “equal” and “less”. Operations like adding or multiplying may not be done.

But it has one advantage: It allows for a transparent decision-making process.

(See more at PR1-F04)



Variable costs

Variable costs are a part of the cost calculation with the engineering formula. They consider those costs that only occur when the system is working. When it stands by, these costs are zero.

But when the machine works, it consumes energy in the form of fuel or electricity, plus other consumables like hydraulic oil, lubricants, and so on.

It is not too difficult to calculate these costs per hour. With fuel, we multiply consumption (liters per hour) with the price per liter, for example.

For a general approximation, one can also take the sum of fixed costs and multiply it with nay estimated factor. With expensive machines it is roughly 10%, and it climbs up to 50% with simple machines like the chainsaw.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C02)





Working method

A working method describes a special working process. In contrast to the term process, which only describes what actually happens, the working method has a more normative implication: It declares, which system elements are combined, and in which steps they are concatenated. The most important information is: what kind of tool or machine is used, what are the inputs and for which outputs do we aim?

When we look mostly on the worker: how he must behave, what he has to do, when and in which sequence should he go on, we call it operational method. But sometimes the worker does not exactly what he is asked to do. Maybe he invents his own sequence of steps or he works in a way that conflicts with any safety rules – then we call it the manner of working.

(See more under TDiv PR1-E03)


Working process

Written-off machine

Cost calculations normally are made for new machines, because the investment is very high and needs precise planning for pay-back.

Written-off machines are old machines that are working longer than it was planned. Consequently, some cost elements, that are important at new machines, go here for zero. The depreciation and interest costs, for example, can very low or zero, but the costs for repair and maintenance are increasing.   

Experiences show that the repair and maintenance costs (R&M) are not unlimited. Very often there is a period, when R&M costs remain stable or even decrease for a few years, before they increase again. This is because the owner decides to stop investing in the machine and only use it for as long as it makes sense to do so.This machine can be a risk for him, but as long as it works it is cheap.

For a company that is working professionally under a high market pressure, the risk to interrupt the work due to an old machine breaking down is too high. This company tends to work with new machines only for a short period that may match the depreciation period.Then it will sell the machine on the second-hand market.

The company that buys this machine pays a low price. Depreciation and interest are low. While the costs for fuel and lubricants may be more or less the same, and also the drivers have comparable costs. But the costs for repairs and maintenance can be doubled until the total cost is equal to that of a new machine.

This is the reason, why machines often find a second life in smaller companies with lower work performance, where the owners repair their machines themselves.

(See more at TDiv PR1-C05)




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