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This is one method to find the best option. Other methods are minimax rule, monetarization, utility analysis, and optimality curves, for example.

In 1990 Saaty proposed a new solution based on paired comparisons. Under each criterion we ask which one of two options is better. At the end we count the relations of the options. The option with the highest sum of “wins” is the best.

Using the same example as with the other methods, we can come to following tables:

With so few options it is easy to find the relations and to calculate the “wins”. In fact, Saaty’s method is more sophisticated than just that, but for us it is enough to use the same weights as before.

We see, that under this method the advantage of option 3 is more visible. All other options are comparably bad. This is a result that can be seen often: the method tends to exaggerate relationships because it does not discriminate between small and large differences.

AHP is widely used in sciences – but only there. For practice life it covers too many hidden effects.

(See more at PR1-F04)

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