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Technodiversity glossary is a result of the ERASMUS+ project No. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032038. 

The glossary is linked with the project results of Technodiversity. It has been developed by

Jörn Erler, TU Dresden, Germany (project leader); Clara Bade, TU Dresden, Germany; Mariusz Bembenek, PULS Poznan, Poland; Stelian Alexandru Borz, UNITV Brasov, Romania; Andreja Duka, UNIZG Zagreb, Croatia; Ola Lindroos, SLU Umeå, Sweden; Mikael Lundbäck, SLU Umeå, Sweden; Natascia Magagnotti, CNR Florence, Italy; Piotr Mederski, PULS Poznan, Poland; Nathalie Mionetto, FCBA Champs sur Marne, France; Marco Simonetti, CNR Rome, Italy; Raffaele Spinelli, CNR Florence, Italy; Karl Stampfer, BOKU Vienna, Austria.

The project-time was from November 2021 until March 2024. 

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL


General concept

General concept is a guideline for a company that gives a certain drive to the operations in a field. For example, a forest company may have different general concepts for silviculture, for hunting, for nature conservation activities, e.g. For technical operations, it should also formulate a general concept.

Like the ultimate goal for the total company, the general concept has two dimensions:

·      For internal decision-making situations it clarifies priorities or preferences between the sub-objectives or partial objectives. Thus, it improves the transparency and operationality of the decision-making process in this field.

·      For external use it should explain with simple words the focus how this company sees its operations. It can be regarded like a motto that explains the typical behavior of the company.

(See more at PR1-A03)


Grapple skidder

The grapple skidder is a rubber-tired or tracked machine used for the extraction of trees. Other machines that can be used for this sub-process are the cable skidder, clam-bunk skidder, farm tractor equipped with a forwarding trailer, forwarder, and cable yarder.

The grapple skidder is mainly used to extract full trees from the trail (buffer 21) to the forest road (buffer 31).

In contrast to the clam-bunk skidder, the grapple skidder assembles and holds its load with a hydraulic grapple, that opens downwards. 

Like all skidders, the work with the grapple skidder is declared as advanced mechanized work.

(See PR1-B03 and B07)

(Photo CNR)

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