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A term that is often used in system analysis. A buffer interrupts a flow and opens a space for contents that can be stored and loaded again. It is the link between two elements in a chain. 

In Technodiversity, we take this concept to describe interruptions in a harvesting process, which divide the process into two sub-processes. Since the buffer allows to store the logs, the connected sub-processes must not wait one for each other and can develop their full productivities. 

In the functiogram, the buffers are represented by a button while the cub-processes are shown by arrows. In order to concatenate the sub-processes, they must meet at a buffer. So, the buffers have a key role for building and optimizing harvesting processes. 

In lecture PR1-B07 they are named by numbers. 

(See PR1-B07)  

» Technodiversity Glossary

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