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The functiogram is one possibility to describe a harvesting method in forestry. In Technodiversity, it is used as standard visualization for processes and methods.

From LÖFFLER et al. we have adopted the columns, where the location of the action is visualized:

•       Stand

•       Strip road, trail, corridor

•       Forest road

•       Factory

From top to down we added the steps leading to state change:

  • Complete tree
  • Full tree
  • Tree length
  • Log
  • Chips

In combination of both, we get a ‘road map’ of different paths, through which we can step forward from the top left corner (the complete tree) to the comfortable right end (i.e., the desired product).

Technical operations are expressed by colored arrows. Each sub-process ends up with a buffer that is expressed by a dark button. Normally a process is a combination of two or more sub-processes that are concatenated. Each sub-process can be named by a pictogram of the most important actor like a machine, an animal or a hand-tool. If necessary, additional information can be made by pictures or words.

As one example, the fully mechanized method with harvester and forwarder is shown here.  

The harvester performs the following tasks: fells the tree, moves the full tree to the trail (pre-skidding), delimbs the tree and cross-cuts it into shorter logs. Finally, the logs are stored alongside the trail as a small pile – i.e., a buffer (dark button). Later on, the forwarder loads the logs, carries them along the trail to the landing at the forest road and unloads the logs. Here again a buffer is formed (second dark button). The truck loads the logs and delivers them to the user plant.

On the basis of a functiogram, the harvesting method can be subsumed under one of the following functional groups: full-tree method, tree-length method, cut-to-length method or chip method. The combination of the degrees of mechanization of each sub-process gives the degree of mechanization of the total method. In our example, we have a fully mechanized cut-to-length method.

(See more at TDiv PR1-B06)


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