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Technodiversity is a made-up word that 2021 has been selected as the name of a European ERASMUS+ project (project No. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032038). The objective of this project is to point out the diversity of technological solutions in forestry to fulfill the operations under diverse conditions and objectives. Following the principle of biodiversity, the word technodiversity assigns a high value to the variety of solutions and opposes the unified application of standard solutions. The aim of the project is an E-learning course for forest students on master’s level and for decision makers in forestry. This course aims to explain how to select the most suitable harvesting technique for each given case with its specific ecological, economic and societal conditions. It gives to the decision-making process based a transparent path based on clear and objective elements. (See more in lecture TDiv PR1-A01)

» Technodiversity Glossary

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