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SP-x1-x2 motor-manual delimbing

When the tree is felled (lays on ground) the limbs are cut from bottom to top. Three methods: 2 whorls at a time, whorl by whorl, and in the crown from top to the side. When finished turn the log and work the other side



  • High efficiency
  • High work quality (No risk for roller damage, flush cut of branches, better measuring under difficult stem conditions etc.)
  • Low investment
  • Low relocation cost
Limitations, thresholds

  • Open space for standpoint of the worker needed
  • Danger to hit legs and shoes with chainsaw
  • Danger to injure the legs and feet
  • Static strain on backbone
  • Heavy effort/cardio workload
  • Low productivity
Main use

  • Delimbing broad-leaved trees
  • Delimbing conifer trees where no processor/harvester is able to do a good job

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 4,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 39,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 2
    • b1 (tree volume) = 10

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: 
    • in the stand or on the trail no contact with the forest road -> S5
    • processing on the forest road -> S2 
  • E-class: motor-manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E2

» Technodiversity Glossary

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