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SP-21-23 mechanized processing on the trail

Processor (or harvester) standing on skid road processing the full tree that is laying down in reach of feeding device. The processing includes measuring, forecasting dimension, suggesting assortments, delimbing and cross-cutting. 


  • High productivity, low price (if fully utilized)
  • Low danger, low ergonomic injuries
Limitations, thresholds
  • Good for coniferous trees with straight stems
  • Limited with bigger, crooked or broadleaves trees
Main use
  • On accessible skidroads
  • Coniferous trees, younger broadleaves trees
  • Distance of skid roads > 2x reach of crane

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 160,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 195,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes per tree
    • b0 = 0,5
    • b1 (tree volume) = 2,0

Ecological suitability


Social suitability

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: automatic machine work, moderate -> E5

» Technodiversity Glossary

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