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SP-12-22 pre-skidding of tree lengths with a horse

After felling, delimbing, and topping, tree lengths are pre-skidded to a strip road using animals, and most commonly draught horses. Different breeds are available in different regions, but the most popular are heavy breeds like French Percherons, Belgian Ardennes, or Italian TPR.



  • Capacity to work in dense stands and narrow corridors, inaccessible to mechanical vehicles.
  • Capacity to handle soft or steep terrain (provided extraction proceeds downhill).
  • Very low soil and stand impacts, because the animal has neither the size nor the power of a machine, and therefore it can never resort to brute force against an obstacle, but it must rather use brains and technique.
  • Safety for the operator, who can control the horse at a distance through voice commands.
  • Comfort for the operator, who is spared noise, vibration, exhaust gases, heavy cable pulls and tiresome walks on uphill grades (since he can ride the horse if the walk is too hard).
  • Competitive cost on intermediate pulls (between 50 and 100 m), which are too long for direct winching and too short for cost-effective cable yarding.

Limitations, thresholds:

  • The system is suitable for young trees only, as obtained from first and second thinnings, or to coppice harvesting operations. The size of older trees is generally too large for an animal to move them without preliminary crosscutting
  • Distance must not exceed 200 m. Best results are obtained on shorter distances, between 25 and 100 m.
  • Extraction must proceed on flat terrain or downhill slopes, with a maximum gradient of 50%. Experienced animals and drivers can safely handle steep terrain.
  • Draught animals can only work 5 to 6 hours a day.  Operators working longer hours generally keep two animals and rotate them.

Main use

  • Animal pre-skidding is still competitive with other mechanized pre-skidding systems (winches, mini-skidders etc.), but it is rarely used in industrialized countries, where it remains a specialist niche. The reason is in the small numbers of horse loggers, ready to accept the constant commitment imposed by animal care.

Economic suitability


  • machine costs without personal costs: 10,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 45,00 Euro/h
  • regression line minutes pre log
    • b0 = 3,0
    • b1 (tree volume) = 8,0
    • b2 (skidding distance) = 0,025

Ecological suitability:

  • Ecogram 


Social suitability:

  • S-class: no contact with forest road -> S5
  • E-class: manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E1

» Technodiversity Glossary

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