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SP-10-21 mechanized felling with a feller

Only felling as a preparation for processing on accessible ground or safer ground, or before grapple skidding

If this is the only function, the machine is called feller. But a harvester can do the job as well.   


  • it is a machine work if the working on site is dangerous
  • taking the work apart from extremely danger site
  • bunching tree into a suitable loads and/or laying down in a orderly pattern
Limitations, thresholds
  • bringing the felling head to the felling site (skid roads or driving without the limitation on the ground)
  • machine accessibility to the site (need a strip road, no pure selection)
Main use
  • first cut in windthrows or on steep terrain
  • biomass operation in thinning

Economic suitability:


  • machine costs without personal costs: 65,00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35,00 Euro/h
  • number of persons: 1
  • in total: 100,00 Euro/h
  • regression line time per tree
    • b0 = 2 min/tree
    • b1 = 0,5 min/m3


Ecological suitability:


Social suitability:

  • S-class: work has no contact with forest roads, S5
  • E-class: advanced machine work, E4



Schweier, J., Spinelli, R., Magagnotti, N., Becker, G. (2015) Mechanized coppice harvesting with new small-scale feller-bunchers: Results from harvesting trials with newly manufactured felling heads in Italy. Biomass and Bioenergy, 72, pp. 85-94. 

Spinelli, R., Cuchet, E., Roux, P. (2007) A new feller-buncher for harvesting energy wood: Results from a European test programme. Biomass and Bioenergy, 31 (4), pp. 205-210.

Spinelli R., Hartsough B., Owende P., Ward S. (2002) Productivity and cost of mechanized whole-tree harvesting of fast-growing eucalypt stands. International Journal of Forest Engineering 13, p. 49-60.

Cacot E. Chantier de St. Vitte sur Briance (87)- Abattage mecanisé des peuplements feuillus par une tête a guillotine. Paris: AFOCEL Flash Chantier CO68; 2004.

Hiesl P, Benjamin J. 2013. A multi-stem feller-buncher cycle-time model for partial harvest of small-diameter wood stands. IFJE 2013;24(2):101-108.

Visser R., Stampfer K. 2003 Tree lenght system evaluation of second thinning in a loblolly pine plantation. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 27: 77-82

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