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SP-10-11 motor-manual felling with chainsaw

Cutting tree at the base with chainsaw and fell it in a predefined pattern.



  • no need to relocate machines
  • low investment
  • accessibility to almost all terrain condition
  • no need for strip roads (unless needed by extraction vehicles)
  • no tree size limitation
  • higher productivity than manual work

 Limitations, thresholds

  • safety: motor-manual felling is very dangerous
  • requires high skills
  • tiresome, high strains

Main use

  • thinning operations (pure selection)
  • steep terrain
  • broadleaf trees with higher dimensions
  • wherever machine access is limited
Economic suitability:

  • machine costs without personal costs: 4.00 Euro/h
  • personal costs per person: 35.00 Euro/h
  • number of persons involved: 1
  • in total: 39.00 Euro/h
  • regression formula: 
    • bo = 8
    • b1 = 15

Ecological suitability:

  • Felling damage can occur when the forest stand is dense; depends on the education and skill of the forest worker
  • Ecogram 

Social suitability:

  • S-class: no work on forest roads -> S5
  • E-class: motor-manual work, very heavy and dangerous -> E2

Anonymous (2007): Scope of best operation practice (bop). (unveröffentlicht). Hg. v. Forestry Solutions.

Engler, Benjamin (2011): Gestaltung von Arbeitsprozessen bei der Bewirtschaftung von Eukalyptusplantagen in Süd-China. Analyse gegenwärtiger Arbeitsverfahren und Modellierung eines höheren Mechanisierungsgrades in der Holzernte zur Beurteilung der ökonomischen Auswirkungen. Dissertation. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg.

» Technodiversity Glossary

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