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Public recreation can get in conflict with harvesting operations. Based on SINUS-milieus, different user groups are found that have very different needs and expectations to the forest owner. But all forest visitors have one common need: they use the forest roads as their access to the forest and don’t want to be disturbed. If we keep the roads clear for people to move on them, this can help to improve the acceptance of forest techniques and operations. Thus, the forest roads take over the role as a key factor for the acceptance of techniques by the forest visitors.

Based on the functiogram, we can define five S-classes for societal compatibility:

S1 chipping of wood on the forest road of storing of chips there with noise, dust, and trash on the ground = arrow ending at 34;

S2 processing round wood on the forest road with impact to the road = arrow down ending at 32 or 33;

S3 unloading and loading of tree lengths or full trees along the forest road with skidding on the floor = arrow from 22 to 32 or 21 to 31;

S4 unloading and loading of short wood along the forest road, only picking up of products = arrow from 23 to 33;

S5 perfect, no contact with forest roads.

(See more at TDiv PR1-E02)

» Technodiversity Glossary

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