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Labor costs

Labor costs are a part of the cost calculation with the engineering formula. They consider the wage costs of the operator plus all additional costs.

Here we should be careful:

If the operator only works with that machine, we can take the total costs of this worker (including assurance etc.) over the year and divide them by the same time of productive utilization “m” as we have for the machine.

However, a driver or worker often operates two or more machines, in which case it is easiest to calculate his/her costs per hour and then conduct all the machine cost calculation on an hourly basis.

As we stated before, labor costs have two main components:

•       w = gross wage

•       s = social costs thatmust be covered by the employer like insurance, wage costs during unproductive times due to holidays, traveling expenses etc. (but not his taxes). They are normally indicated as percentage of the gross wage.

The percentage of social costs is highly variable from country to country. In Germany, e. g., it depends mainly on the company:

•       in private forest companies it is about 80-110 %

•       in public forest administrations it often reaches 130 %. 

(See more at TDiv PR1-C02)


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