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Forward chaining


Technodiversity uses a special code for audio-visuals:

 M_       like method

10-       start of the sub-process

-23       end of the sub-process

The numbers point to the functiogram:

Example: Harvester


1-         Starting in the stand:


10-       complete tree in the stand

10-11        motor-manual felling with chainsaw (film # 2)

10-11        motor-manual felling with chainsaw - coniferous trees (film#6)

10-12        motor-manual harvesting of tree lengths -broadleaved trees (film #3)

10-13        motor-manual harvesting of logs - broadleaved trees (film #4)

10-21        mechanized felling with a feller – coniferous trees (film #13)

10-22        mechanized harvesting of tree lengths – coniferous trees (film#19)

10-23        mechanized harvesting of logs - broadleaved trees (film #1)

10-23        mechanized harvesting of logs – coniferous trees (film #27)

10-33        mechanized felling, skidding and processing at the forest road with a harskidder – broadleaved and coniferous trees (film #33)


11-       full tree in the stand

11-12        motor-manual delimbing of full trees – coniferous trees (film#44)

11-21        pre-skidding of full trees with a cable skidder - coniferous trees (film #5)

11-21        pre-skidding of full trees - broadleaved trees (film #7)

11-21        pre-skidding of full trees with a cable skidder – broadleaved trees (film #11)

11-31        pre-skidding and skidding of full trees with a cable skidder – broadleaved trees (film #12)

11-31        pre-skidding and skidding of full trees with a yarder – broadleaved trees (film # 14)

11-31        pre-skidding and skidding of full trees with a yarder – coniferous trees (film # 15)


12-       tree length in the stand

1232         pre-skidding and skidding of tree lengths with a yarder – broadleaved tree lengths (film#16)

12-32        pre-skidding and skidding of tree lengths with a yarder – coniferous tree lengths (film #17)


13-       log in the stand

13-23        pre-skidding of logs with a cable skidder – broadleaved logs (film #20)

13-23        pre-skidding of logs with a farm tractor equipped with a winch – broadleaved logs (film #41)

13-23        pre-skidding of logs with animals – broadleaved logs (film#45)

13-33        pre-skidding and skidding of logs with a yarder – coniferous logs (film #18)

13-33        pre-skidding and skidding of logs with a cable skidder – broadleaved logs (film #38)

13-33        pre-skidding and skidding of logs with a farm tractor equipped with a winch – broadleaved logs (film #40)

13-33        pre-skidding and skidding of logs with a yarder – broadleaved logs (film #46)


2-         Starting on the trail:


21-       full tree on the trail

21-23        mechanized processing on the trail – broadleaved trees (film#8)

21-23        mechanized processing on the trail – coniferous trees (film#9)

21-23        mechanized processing of full trees on the trail – broadleaved and coniferous trees (film #34)

21-31        mechanized skidding of full trees with a grapple skidder – coniferous trees (film #21)

21-31        skidding of full trees with a cable skidder – broadleaved trees (film #42)


22-       tree length on the trail

22-23        mechanized processing on the trail – broadleaved tree lengths (film #10)

22-32        mechanized forwarding of tree lengths with a farm tractor and a trailer – broadleaved tree lengths (film #24)

22-32        skidding of tree lengths with a clam-bunk skidder – broadleaved tree lengths (film #39)

22-32        skidding of tree lengths with a cable skidder – broadleaved tree lengths (film #43)


23-       log on the trail

23-33        mechanized forwarding of logs with a winch-assisted forwarder – coniferous logs (film #22)

23-33        mechanized forwarding of logs with a forwarder – broadleaved logs (film #23)

23-33        mechanized forwarding of logs with a forwarder – coniferous logs (film #31)

23-33        mechanized forwarding of logs with a farm tractor and trailer – broadleaved logs (film #37)


3-         Starting on the forest road:


31-       full tree on the road

31-32        motor-manual delimbing of full trees with a chainsaw at the forest road – broadleaved trees (film #35)

31-33        mechanized processing on the forest road – coniferous trees (film #25)

31-33        mechanized processing on the forest road – broadleaved trees (film#26)

31-33        mechanized processing on the forest road with processor tower yarder – coniferous trees (film #28)

31-34        mechanized chipping of full trees on the forest road – broadleaved and coniferous trees (film #30)


32-       tree length on the road

32-33        mechanized processing on the forest road with processor tower yarder – coniferous tree lengths (film #29)

32-33        motor-manual cross-cutting of tree lengths with a chainsaw at the forest road – broadleaved tree lengths (film #36)

32-33        mechanized processing of tree lengths at the forest road – coniferaous tree lengths (film #47)


33-       log on the road

33-34        mechanized chipping of logs at the forest road – broadleaved logs (film #32)

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